Service A Sheffield Park (dep) 11:00 12:30 14:05 15:35 Horsted Keynes (arr) 11:15 12:45 14:20 15:50 Horsted Keynes (dep) 11:17 12:47 14:22 15:52 Kingscote (arr) 11:32 13:02 14:37 16:07 Kingscote - Bus (dep) 11:45 13:15 14:45 16:15 East Grinstead High St (arr) 11:55 13:25 14:55 16:25 East Grinstead Station (arr) 12:00 13:30 15:00 16:30 East Grinstead Station (dep) 11:25 12:55 14:25 15:55 East Grinstead High St (dep) 11:30 13:00 14:30 16:00 Kinscote - Bus (arr) 11:40 13:10 14:40 16:10 Kingscote (dep) 11:47 13:17 14:52 16:22 Horsted Keynes (arr) 12:00 13:30 15:05 16:35 Horsted Keynes (dep) 12:02 13:32 15:07 16:37 Sheffield Park (arr) 12:15 13:45 15:20 16:50
Service B Sheffield Park (dep) 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 Horsted Keynes (arr) 11:15 12:15 13:15 14:15 15:15 16:15 17:15 Horsted Keynes (dep) 11:20 12:20 13:20 14:20 15:20 16:20 Kingscote (arr) 11:35 12:35 13:35 14:35 15:35 16:35 Kingscote - Bus (dep) 11:45 12:45 13:45 14:45 15:45 16:45 East Grinstead High St 11:55 12:55 13:55 14:55 15:55 16:55 East Grinstead Stn (arr) 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 East Grinstead Stn (dep) 11:20 12:20 13:20 14:20 15:20 16:20 East Grinstead High St 11:25 12:25 13:25 14:25 15:25 16:25 Kinscote - Bus (arr) 11:35 12:35 13:35 14:35 15:35 16:35 Kingscote (dep) 11:50 12:50 13:50 14:50 15:50 16:50 Horsted Keynes (arr) 12:05 13:05 14:05 15:05 16:05 17:05 Horsted Keynes (dep) 11:17 12:17 13:17 14:17 15:17 16:17 17:17 Sheffield Park (arr) 11:30 12:30 13:30 14:30 15:30 16:30 17:30 Note bus times for Service B on a Sunday may change slightly to offer the best possible connections with Network SouthCentral.
Service C Sheffield Park (dep) 10:40 11:30 12:20 13:10 14:00 14:50 15:40 16:30 17:20 Horsted Keynes (arr) 10:55 11:45 12:35 13:25 14:15 15:05 15:55 16:45 17:35 Horsted Keynes (dep) 10:07 10:57 11:47 12:37 13:27 14:17 15:07 15:57 16:47 Kingscote (arr) 10:20 11:10 12:00 12:50 13:40 14:30 15:20 16:10 17:00 Kingscote - Bus (dep) 10:30 11:20 12:10 13:00 13:50 14:40 15:30 16:20 17:10 East Grinstead High St 10:40 11:30 12:20 13:10 14:00 14:50 15:40 16:30 17:20 East Grinstead Stn (arr) 10:45 11:35 12:25 13:15 14:05 14:55 15:45 16:35 17:25 East Grinstead Stn (dep) 9:55 10:45 11:35 12:25 13:15 14:05 14:55 15:45 16:35 East Grinstead High St 10:00 10:50 11:40 12:30 13:20 14:10 15:00 15:50 16:40 Kinscote - Bus (arr) 10:10 11:00 11:50 12:40 13:30 14:20 15:10 16:00 16:50 Kingscote (dep) 10:35 11:25 12:15 13:05 13:55 14:45 15:35 16:25 17:15 Horsted Keynes (arr) 10:48 11:38 12:28 13:18 14:08 14:58 15:48 16:38 17:28 Horsted Keynes (dep) 11:00 11:50 12:40 13:30 14:20 15:10 16:00 16:50 17:40 Sheffield Park (arr) 11:13 12:03 12:53 13:43 14:33 15:23 16:13 17:03 17:53
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Copyright (c) 4 October 1995 by Richard Salmon, Mark Dewell & Bluebell Railway Operating Ltd.