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Giants of Steam

was on Saturday 23rd and Sunday 24th October 2004

Featuring LMS 'Jubilee' 4-6-0 "Leander" visiting from Lancashire

5690 Leander at Crewe Works Open Day, 1 June 2003

5690 "Leander" at Crewe Works Open Day, 1 June 2003.
(photo by Simon Robinson from his LMS Jubilee website)

Our annual gala event featuring our
biggest engines on an intensive service

Camelot in May 2003Leander at Sheffield Park - David Harp

LNWR Semi-royal Saloon Locomotives hauling an intensive service of vintage trains:

"Earl of Berkeley" will be double-headed with No.75027 on the Saturday, recreating a 1950s' Western Region service in Mid Wales.

NB. Unfortunately, as we advised in the week before the event, SR Bulleid Pacific 21C123 "Blackmore Vale" was not available this event, due to an enforced stay in our workshops due to two patches of broken stays.

Photo above of "Leander" was taken by David Harp at Sheffield Park on Saturday 16th October, on its first test steaming on the Bluebell following its arrival the previous Wednesday.
75027 double-heads 21C123

Did you ride in a coach used in the LMS royal train!

"Leander" hauled two LMS-liveried coaches at the head of its train. One was our award-winning restored LMS Guard's Brake, and the other, a saloon carriage (above) built for King Edward VII's Royal Train, was available for first-class ticket holders.

Four train service - trains in each direction roughly every 35 minutes throughout the day.

First train each day: 9.30am from Sheffield Park.

Last round trip from Sheffield Park 5.30pm on Saturday, 4.55 on Sunday.

Plus many other attractions during the weekend:

Sheffield Park Station
  • Mechanical Horse Association display, plus road run to Horsted Keynes.
  • Locomotive shed, Museum, Shop, Buffet and Bar.
  • Free Vintage Bus service from Brighton Sunday only - Hourly departures from 10am from Pool Valley Brighton, via Lewes Prison. Last bus back from Sheffield Park at 5.30pm.
  • Free car park.

Horsted Keynes Station

  • Special photographic area at Kingscote end of station.
  • Trade stands.
  • Carriage workshop tours at 12.35, 1.45, 2.55 and 3.30. Meet at the south end of Platform 5 at Horsted Keynes.
  • Buffet and Bar.
  • Large free car park and picnic field.

Kingscote Station

  • Bus service to National Trust property - Standen. See below for times.
  • Intensive bus service on route 473 (East Grinstead to Kingscote). Times below. A vintage RML bus will operate some services on the Saturday and first thing on Sunday. No access by car to the station - travel from East Grinstead instead on the 473 bus.
  • Small display of other RM buses to mark their 50th anniversary.

East Grinstead

  • Guided tours over Imberhorne viaduct available by means of catching 473 Bus services from Kingscote. Times of tours (5 each day), and connecting buses, available on the day, or here nearer the event if available.

Standard 4 tank

Bus Service 473 East Grinstead Station, East Grinstead High Street, and Standen NT to Kingscote

Saturday 23rd October
Bus             RML    RML    SD     RML    SD     RML    SD          SD   RML    SD   RML    SD   RML 
EG Station      9.45  10.35  11.10  11.40  12.10  12.40  1.10        2.10  2.40  3.10  3.40  4.10  4.40
EG High St      9.50  10.40  11.15  11.45  12.15  12.45  1.15        2.15  2.45  3.15  3.45  4.15  4.45
Standen NT                   11.20         12.20         1.20        2.20        3.20        4.20
EG Sports Club               11.22         12.22         1.22        2.22        3.22        4.22
Kingscote Stn  10.05  10.50  11.30  12.00  12.30   1.00  1.30        2.30  3.00  3.30  4.00  4.30  5.00
Bus             RML    RML    SD     RML    SD            SD   RML    SD   RML    SD   RML    SD   RML
Kingscote Stn  10.05  10.53  11.41  12.15  12.41         1.41  2.10  2.41  3.10  3.41  4.10  4.41  5.32
EG High St     10.25  11.05         12.30                      2.25        3.25        4.25
EG Station     10.30  11.10  11.49  12.35  12.49         1.49  2.30  2.49  3.30  3.49  4.30  4.49  5.47
Sunday 24th October
Bus             RML    RML    SD            SD            SD          SD          SD          SD 
EG Station      9.45  10.35  11.10         12.10         1.10        2.10        3.10        4.10       
EG High St      9.50  10.40  11.15         12.15         1.15        2.15        3.15        4.15       
Standen NT                   11.20         12.20         1.20        2.20        3.20        4.20
EG Sports Club               11.22         12.22         1.22        2.22        3.22        4.22
Kingscote Stn  10.05  10.50  11.30         12.30         1.30        2.30        3.30        4.30       
Bus             RML    RML    SD            SD            SD          SD          SD          SD   RML
Kingscote Stn  10.05  10.53  11.41         12.41         1.41        2.41        3.41        4.41  5.32
EG High St     10.25  11.05                                                                
EG Station     10.30  11.10  11.49         12.49         1.49        2.49        3.49        4.49  5.47

Further details of how to get to the railway by car, train and bus are available.

Lineside Photographic Pass
For the serious photographer, Lineside Passes are available from any of our Station Booking Offices. High Visibility Jackets must be worn at all times by pass-holders on the lineside. Details and the form are available here.

Photography on stations and in the loco shed is unrestricted. A special area at Horsted Keynes will also be available for non-Lineside Pass holders to photograph trains departing the station in the Kingscote direction.

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Valid HTML 4.0 Transitional! Last updated 25 October 2004 by Richard Salmon with photos © Copyright Jon Bowers, Simon Robinson, David Harp and Richard Salmon.
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