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Retube of LBSCR A1X No.55 "Stepney"

All photos except one thanks to and © copyright Derek Hayward. His own photo gallery also covers the overhaul in detail. Photo from re-launch event thanks to Richard Clark.
May 2010

55 boiler in loco works - 24 January 2010 - Derek Hayward 55 Stepney and coach 6575 recreate 50 years earlier - Richard Clark - 17 May 2010
On 1st May, Derek's photo shows that the lettering and lining had been swiftly completed. Final testing ensued, and then on 17th May, as seen in Richard Clark's photo, Stepney was ready for the re-enactment 50 years to the day after it originally arrived on the Bluebell line. The livery carried is that which it sported in its first season on the Bluebell, back in 1960.

April 2010

55 frames painted in shed - 11 April 2010 - Derek Hayward Side tanks being painted - 11 April 2010 - Derek Hayward
These two photos taken on 11 April show that the painting of the wheels and frames is well advanced, and that the side tanks, which are covered by external sheeting, were none the less receiving a protective coat of paint.

55 boiler ready for hydraulic test - 17 April 2010 - Derek Hayward 55 frames outside the works - 17 April 2010 - Derek Hayward
Loco reassembled - 28 April 2010 - Derek Hayward By the 17th April (above) the boiler is seen as prepared for its hyraulic test, with the orifices blanked off. The out-of-frames steam test would then follow.

The frames were, on the same date, positioned outside the works, ready for...

... reassembly - as seen on the right, by 28th April the loco was largely back together.

March 2010

boiler tubes in - 26 March 2010 - Derek Hayward The boiler repairs were undertaken over the next couple of months, and this photo taken on 26th March shows the boiler tubes in place.

January 2010

55 boiler in loco works - 24 January 2010 - Derek Hayward 55 frames having been pressure washed - 30 January 2010 - Derek Hayward
The main work undertaken in January was on the boiler, seen here in the loco works on 24th January. By 30th January the frames had been pressure-washed and cleaned ready for painting.

1 January 2010

55 outside the loco works - 1 January 2010 - Derek Hayward

With the price of boiler tubes quite low at present, we have the opportunity to give 'Stepney' a quick cost-effective boiler overhaul, so that it can be available for our 50th Anniversary celebrations this year. Only the minimum work required will be done. Once overhauled the loco will remain available, limited to very light duties, for as long as is feasible, but this might not be much longer than just the remainder of the year, depending on how it performs mechanically. We have a new set of cylinder castings in stock for this loco, but it is not feasible to fit these within the time and budget available, so this and other major mechanical work will have to await the loco's next major overhaul.

Derek Hayward's photo shows that, following its availability for footplate visits whilst posed in the dock at Sheffield Park during the Santa Special season, no time has been wasted in starting to dismantle the loco for the boiler lift. Some preparatory work had already taken place last year, but now the outer tank covers have been removed.

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Valid HTML 4.0 Transitional! Photos © copyright of, and with thanks to, Derek Hayward and Richard Clark.
Last updatedby Richard Salmon 21 May 2010 and 24 January 2022
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