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North Thames Gas Board
Locomotive No. 25

This locomotive is no longer at the Bluebell Railway


Photo: Ken Chown

This locomotive was housed temporarily on the Bluebell on behalf of the Industrial Locomotive Society. It had latterly been used in the Retort House at the Beckton works of the North Thames Gas Board. Realised to be a locomotive rather outside the scope of the Bluebell's developing collection, it was moved to a new home in Norfolk once space became a premium at Sheffield Park. It is now part of the Bressingham Steam collection, having been presented to them by the Industrial Locomotive Society.

Ian Nolan took three photos of it, here on 1 April 1962, a second one the same day, and the third on 31 March 1963.

Wheels: 0-4-0ST
Built: 1896 (or 1897), Neilson & Co. (Works No.5087)
Number carried: 25
Arrived on Bluebell: 25 October 1961
Owned at that time by Industrial Locomotive Society
Left Bluebell: 2 August 1967
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