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The Queen's Award for Voluntary Service Email Newsletter


Paul Churchman

I am writing to inform you that I have received Paul Churchman's resignation as Chairman of the Bluebell Railway Preservation Society and Bluebell Railway PLC, and also as a Governor of The Bluebell Railway Trust.
The following interim measures, agreed and approved by the Society Trustees and the Company Directors have been put in place:
      Acting Society Chairman - Roy Watts
      Management of the PLC will be overseen by Lisa Boyle, Neil Glaskin and Roy Watts
      Carriage and Wagon will be overseen by Trustees Keith Leppard and James Young
These measures are temporary until replacements are in position.
In the meantime, whilst I am sure that this will come as a surprise, it is very important to remember that the Bluebell Railway will continue as normal especially as we are right on the cusp of a new operating season.
We have seen some really positive events this year and it's important we continue to maintain that level of progress in ensuring the Railway has a strong future.
Obviously you will be kept informed of any changes as they happen and new incumbents are put in place.
As always, I am assured by the continued level of support and commitment of the volunteers and members of the paid staff who want nothing more than to deliver a first class Railway experience to our visitors whilst showing off the high quality of our restorations.
      Roy Watts
      Vice President and Acting Society Chairman
      14 March 2024

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