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Giants of Steam 2009
Friday 23rd - Sunday 25th October

On Saturday 24th October Pete Waterman will be signing copies of his new book at Sheffield Park between 10.30 and 11.30am and 2-4pm Due a mechanical fault, 30777 'Sir Lamiel' is unable to visit the Bluebell at this time. However, the event has been re-cast; please be assured that it is still very much our intention to put on a good show, with our most intensive possible timetable over the weekend, and more of a "Southern Branch Line" feel on the Friday. There are many additional attractions listed further down this page.

As an extra attraction we have been able to add a freight train hauled by our BR-black liveried Dukedog 9017, running both Saturday and Sunday.

We are pleased to be able to host an additional visitor - Pete Waterman will be in attendance on Saturday 24th October, with book signings taking place at Sheffield Park between 10.30 and 11.30am, and from 2.00 to 4.00pm.

The event features an intensive train service, with the following locomotives:

Sir Archibald Sinclair U-class 1638 4MT tank 80151 GWR Dukedog 592 Fenchurch
  • 34059 'Sir Archibald Sinclair' (Bulleid Pacific)
  • 1638 (SR U-class 2-6-0) - if repairs completed in time
  • 80151 (BR 4MT 2-6-4T) (Saturday and Sunday - also on Friday if 1638 is unavailable)
  • 9017 (GWR Dukedog 4-4-0 in BR Black) (Saturday and Sunday)
  • 592 (SECR C-class 0-6-0) will be used on Saturday and Sunday if 1638 is unavailable
  • 672 'Fenchurch' will give brakevan rides down the Ardingly branch on Saturday and Sunday.

80151 with three Bulleid coaches departing from Horsted Keynes - 29 August 2009 - Richard Salmon

Carriages in appropriate sets

The Bluebell is justly renowned for the quality of its carriage stock. The following carriages will be used:
  • Southern-designed / BR(S) Bulleid carriages (some of which are seen on the left with 80151; photo: Richard Salmon)
  • SR Maunsells (photo below, with 1638; Dave Clarke)
  • 1920s Pullmans (photo below, behind 34059; Derek Hayward) (Saturday and Sunday only)
  • Travel in the Pullmans will be available to all visitors on payment of a supplement (or first-class fare). Two ordinary carriages will also be attached to this train.
  • The Great Northern Railway Directors' Saloon will be included in one of the sets, serving teas and coffees (Saturday and Sunday) - available to first-class ticket holders, or on payment of a supplement.
  • The first public use of Bulleid Brake coach 2526 following restoration

1638 with Maunsell train - Dave Clarke - 16 March 2009 Launch train for 34059 - 24 April 2009 - Derek Hayward

The event is being staged over a three day period, Friday 23rd - Sunday 25th October.

Vintage Buses - 21 Oct 2007 - Derek Hayward

Additional Attractions

  • Brake Van Rides on the Ardingly Branch, from Horsted Keynes on the Saturday and Sunday
  • Freight Train hauled by 9017 on the Saturday and Sunday
  • Book Signing with Pete Waterman (Saturday, see above)
  • Atlantic House open - see the current state of the re-construction of 32424 "Beachy Head"
  • Carriage Works Tours at Horsted Keynes on all three days: Friday at 1.30, and on both Saturday and Sunday at 12.30, 1.05, 1.40 and 2.15.
  • Free Vintage Bus service (Sunday only) between Brighton and Sheffield Park: Service 20 - Regular departures from Brighton to Sheffield Park between 10am and 4pm - Service 20 timetable and details here
  • Second-hand book sale at Kingscote Station - on Platform 2 - in aid of the Northern Extension Project (Friday and Saturday)
  • Pullman Car 'Doris', which was part of the famous "Brighton Belle" electric Pullman service between 1932 and 1972, open for inspection at Horsted Keynes.
  • On the Saturday and Sunday there is a mini model railway exhibition on the upper floor of the Bessemer Arms at Sheffield Park featuring N Gauge "Little Horsted" and East Grinstead Model Railway Club layouts, and also a sales stand by the Railway's resident artist, Matthew Cousins.
  • Display of working Stationary Engines at Horsted Keynes
  • Sale of books, photographs and much much more in the Museum section of the building on Platform 1 at Horsted Keynes, raising funds for the Bluebell Museum Group.

The Timetable will be an intensive 4-train service over the weekend.
On the Friday the event will use our service one timetable with Archibald hauling the Bulleid coaches, including the newly restored 2526 making its first public outing. The second train will be 1638 (or 80151 if 1638 is not available) on the SR green Maunsell train.

The timetable details for the Saturday and Sunday are:

First trains: 11am from Sheffield Park to Kingscote, 11.17 from Horsted Keynes to Sheffield Park, 12.05 from Kingscote. A goods train leaves Horsted Keynes for Sheffield Park at 10.35am.

Passenger Trains leave Sheffield Park at: 11.00(GN), 12.10, 12.43(Pul), 1.20(GN), 2.27, 3.00(Pul), 3.30 (GN), 4.30, 5.17(GN)
Excepting the 5.17 pm (which only runs to Horsted Keynes and return) each train returns from Kingscote about an hour later.
(GN) indicates that the train includes the GNR Directors' Saloon.
(Pul) indicates that the train includes Pullman Cars.

Last trains: 4.30pm from Sheffield Park to Kingscote, returning from Kingscote at 5.15pm.
5.17pm from Sheffield Park to Horsted Keynes.
Passengers travelling on either of these trains wishing to return to Sheffield Park, may do so on the 5.40 from Horsted Keynes, arriving back at Sheffield Park at 5.53pm.

Full details will be included in the working timetable and event guide - see below.

We regret that due to work needed recently on other locomotives, the overhaul of LBSCR E4 No.B473 will not be completed in time to take part in this event.

Route 472 and 473 Bus Times for Saturday and Sunday only

Subject to availability, a vintage RM will be used.

Bus 473 Timetable: 24 & 25 October
East Grinstead Stn (dep)   10:10  11:10  12:10  1:10  2:10  3:10  4:10  5:10
East Grinstead High St     10:15  11:15  12:15  1:15  2:15  3:15  4:15  5:15
Kingscote  Station (arr)   10:25  11:25  12:25  1:25  2:25  3:25  4:25  5:25
Kingscote Station (dep)    10:42  11:42  12:42  1:42  2:42  3:42  4:41  5:41
East Grinstead High St     10:52  11:52  12:52  1:52  2:52  3:52   -     -  
East Grinstead Stn (arr)   10:57  11:57  12:57  1:57  2:57  3:57  4:49  5:49

Also on 24 & 25 October, a Service 472 from Brighton and Lewes to East Grinstead runs a single journey at the start of the day (and return at the end), using the RML (subject to availability), which becomes the 473 service at East Grinstead. Details from Brighton & Hove: PDF file with details and fares.
Please note that this service is in addition to, and separate from the free vintage bus service, Service 20, which will operate from Brighton to Sheffield Park on the Sunday only.

Event Guide

An event guide and working timetable will be available for £1.00 on the day.
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