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1748S: SR 12 Ton Hand Crane of 1943, and Match Truck

You can see more about the history of the hand crane on its web page.

Feb 2007

Queen Mary brake van lifted - Feb 2007 - Tom Waghorn



During February the hand crane was used to lift the south end of the Queen Mary brake - this photo, from Tom Waghorn, shows the current state of the overhaul of the crane, with most of the lettering now complete.

Spring 2006

These photos from Tom Waghorn show continued progress on the overhaul of the hand crane's match truck No. 1748SM (DS 3182), which has seen much new timber and an almost completely new tool-box made and fitted.

The match truck Tool Box repaired end of match truck

You can see more about the history of the hand crane on its web page.

August 2005

This series of photos from Tom Waghorn show progress during the first part of the summer holidays.

painting of boxes for lettering - Aug 05 painting of boxes for lettering - Aug 05

The black squares for lettering are starting to be completed on the crane sides. The latest two will hold instructions for slew brake operation and front shaft operation.

painting of crane jib topsides - Aug 05 painting of underframe - Aug 05

Nearly all topsides are now black and some, but not all, of the crossbeams on the jib are complete in topcoat. The underframe of the crane is having a lick of paint too.

crane toolbox door being fitted - Aug 05 Jib lifted to paint beneath - Aug 05

One of the doors was fixed onto the new toolbox on the matchtruck. The jib was lifted to facilitate the painting of hard to reach areas just underneath it.

crane hook painted white - Aug 05 handles painted white - Aug 05

The jib nose, hook and handles have all been painted white. The handles require a second coat, but the nose and hook are complete in topcoat. The west side of the crane is now finished with final topcoat in grey and the east side requires one more coat. Some of the underframe is still to be painted black.

21 February 2005

Match Truck, Feb 05 For the last year the crane has operated without its tool box, as the original was badly corroded. This has been used as a pattern to make a replacement. The rest of the match truck floor has been re-planked, and the repainting of the steelwork completed.

These three photos from Tom Waghorn show the tool box being fitted last week, using the crane itself.

Up to this point the LNER designed Blue Spot Fish Van has been used as the crane's tool van. Tom and James spent most of Wednesday moving the tools from the fish van to the newly restored SR box van. Thursday was spent planing the doors of the box van so they would open and close (whilst waiting for the shunt to take place), and then Friday was spent setting up the crane to lift the tool box onto the match truck where it is now loosely bolted and sheeted over pending further work.

Crane, Feb 05 Crane and SR Van, Feb 05

26 May 2003

Hand Crane, 26 May 2003 Repainting was moving forwards as rapidly as possible in May and June, to enable the crane to operate demonstrations for the Day out with Thomas events. Here it is seen over the pit for a check on the mechanical condition of its running gear.

23 April 2003

Hand Crane, 23 April 2003 The overhaul of the match truck (including making new sides, and removing the tool box for overhaul), and repainting of the crane into its original grey livery is being undertaken by two of the departments younger volunteers, Tom Waghorn and James Redford. It is mostly now in undercoat.

You can see more about the history of the hand crane on its web page.
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