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British Railways Mk.I FO No.3064
- preparation for traffic

On arrival at SP - 6 November 2007 - Neil Glaskin

6 November 2007

Right: 3064 after arrival at Sheffield Park, 6 November 2007 (Neil Glaskin) For final preparation prior to use on the Santa trains, No.3064 was delivered to the Bluebell on November 6th. One of the two toilets has not been reinstated, but the compartment will instead by used for storage in connection with the use of the carriage for catering services.

It still awaited completion of lining and final varnish.

17 October 2007

3064 in undercoat - 17 October 2007 - Clive Warneford FO interior - 17 Oct 2007 - Clive Warneford

This Open First carriage is privately owned, and has been overhauled under contract at Rampart Carriage & Wagon in Derby. It arrived (on long term loan) at the Bluebell freshly painted in BR crimson lake and cream livery (sometimes known as carmine and cream), in the first week of November.

The work done on the carriage at Rampart has included re-instatement of the stripped out interior, and has been done to a specification agreed between the owner and the Bluebell, and under our oversight.

The first photo shows 3064 as painted in undercoat. The other photo shows the interior of the coach, with the seats trimmed in a reproduction of one of the BR "Festival of Britain" first-class moquettes, and with the carpet fitted. Both photos were taken on 17th October 2007 by Clive Warneford.

The intention is that it, together with Mk.I Open Second No.4824, will provide a distinctive "lounge car" service to upgrade our non-Pullman catering operation, but will, in operational terms, be used along-side our other general traffic vehicles. In the short term, this coach will also play a key role in the Santa Specials this December, where the requirement for high quality first-class accommodation is at a premium.

Go to the Web page for this carriage.

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Valid HTML 4.0 Transitional! Photos with thanks to, and copyright © Clive Warneford and Neil Glaskin
Last updated by Richard Salmon 15 November 2007 and 19 January 2021
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