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Carriage & Wagon Works News

Structural overhaul of BR Mk.1 TSO No.4957

21 June 2003

The coach re-entered service with full repaint completed in time for the first of the year's "Day out with Thomas" event. This represents a magnificent effort from full-time staff and midweek volunteers in completing the work to a very tight deadline.

4 June 2003

Toilet end repairs, 4 June 2003 Rapid progress made in repanelling the end and replacing the gangway connector.

26 May 2003

Exterior of North End, 26 May 2003 Interior of North End, 26 May 2003 These two photos show progress at the North end of the coach, with the gangway connector going back on, and the cleaned and re-varnished interior woodwork re-assembled in the vestibule. The steel door pillar on the left had been replaced in its entirity, and the door re-hung.
Toilet End, 26 May 2003

At the other end of the coach the structural repairs were also complete, with the main end "collision" pillars strengthened with new material where they were badly corroded, and the bottom of all the body pillars in the toilet area also cut out and replaced.

14 May 2003

Every structural member in the end three foot of the south end of the coach has had to have the bottom three inches replaced with new material. In addition all the steel sheeting at the ends, round the toilets to the door openings is being replaced.

23 April 2003

Bodyside repairs to 4957, 23 April 2003 Bodyside repairs going well.

2 April 2003

Bodyside repairs to 4957, 2 April 2003 re-panelled end, 2 April 2003 Left: A section of the bodyside of this coach had been damaged many years ago in a minor accident, but never properly repaired. The section below these two windows was cut out, and new pillar sections and sheeting have been welded in. All the windows are being removed, the sliding lights overhauled, and rebedded.

Major work is being done at the ends (right) where the steel sheeting has been completely renewed, as has one door pillar. The base of each of the main structural pillars in the end had rusted away, and these have been repaired.

Once all this work is completed, the coach will be repainted into BR(S) green.

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