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Work on the BGZ in 2008
- adaptation for serving the Pullman train
During 2008 the LMS BGZ was fitted with water and gas systems, and steam heating. The guards area has been partitionned off, and the remainder of the interior fitted out to provide the pantry and service needs for the Bluebell's Pullman train. The work has been done in such a way that the changes can later be reversed, once a further Pullman vehicle has been overhauled to undertake these functions.
November 2008
The photo on the left by Phil Jemmison shows the BGZ in its new guise as a Pullman Pup,
marshalled within the Golden Arrow formation. In addition to providing guard's
accommodation, it also now has washing up facilities, storage and office
accommodation. It thus replaces 'Eagle' which has been on hire from the NRM,
although here it is seen coupled to 'Eagle' for a change-over period. This will
take the Arrow back to being an all-pre-war formation.
The photo below, by Richard Salmon, shows the van at Sheffield Park in February 2009.
October 2008
Richard Salmon's photo below shows the BGZ back in the workshop after being
painted, whilst the finishing touches are put to the interior. The photo on the
right shows the interior at the north end, with the water tank in place, and the
worktop and sinks being prepared for fitting.
David Chappell's photo shows the installation of the sinks progressing as of the end of October.
August 2008
A selection of photos from David Chappell showing the state of the conversion
work in August 2008.
This photo (left) shows the interior of the newly created guard's area, into which intrudes the gas-fuelled water heater, awaiting boxing in. Its position was determined by the existing exhuast arangement in the roof for the original stove, which had been removed and put into storage for the duration of this project.
Below is the outside of the guard's compartment, including an opening through into it, and the corridor created past it.
To the left above we see the south end, with shelving and relocated first-aid and tool box in the ceiling, and the thin layer of plywood laid in ready to receive the lino floor.
Two weeks later (above right) the non-slip lino is in. A steam heater may also be seen in the far corner.
This photo on the right shows the new partition around the guards area from the north end
June 2008
This photo by Dave Clarke shows the BGZ in white brushing filler. This is an intermediate coat between undercoats to build up a thickness of paint enabling it to be rubbed back to a smooth surface. The interior fit out is still continuing.
March 2008
The tool / first aid box has been moved to the south west corner of the BGZ
as shown in this photo by Dave Clarke.
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Last updated 16 February 2009 by Simon May and Richard Salmon
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