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SR Q-class No. 541
2023 overhaul
Latest News - The Maunsell Locomotive Society's page for 541 - Bluebell web page for 541
Earlier overhaul (completed in 2015) - Loco Works News
With its cylinders re-bored and steam pipes and piston rods replaced early in 2022, mechanically it is in reasonably good condition. Firebox defects have however now seen it withdrawn from service just a couple of years earlier than had been hoped. Requiring a boiler overhaul, attention to its tyres and a new tender tank, the plan is to do the work fairly quickly, in part using off-site contractors, to which end the locomotive (but not the tender) left the Bluebell on 6 July 2023, going to Leaky Finders in Devon.
The Maunsell Locomotive Society has agreed to try and raise &163;40,000 towards the cost of overhauling the tender and providing a new tender tank. The Q is an ideal size and economical loco for Bluebell operations. It fits in well with the 'Southern' image, and it did actually operate in the vicinity.
Online payments to the appeal can be made by clicking either of the DONATE buttons here and then selecting "Q Class 541 Overhaul" in the drop-down box.
For those who prefer to use cheques, please send a cheque, made payable to the 'Bluebell Railway Trust' (and a Gift Aid Form if appropriate) to the Bluebell Railway Trust, Sheffield Park Station, Uckfield TN22 3QL. Please add a note to say it is for the 541 Overhaul Appeal.
As ever, a warm 'thank you' to all concerned who have generously contributed thus far.
August 2024
Down at Leaky Finder's workshop in Devon, the main focus of recent work has been on the locomotive's frames, the opportunity has been taken to replace a number of loose rivets. Assembly of the new dragbox for the rear of the locomotive includes a start on riveting together several of the components. On the boiler, recent work has included testing the new welds on the throat plate, and recovering the bottle ends from the old flue tubes.
The 4253 gang at Rolvenden have completed most of the work on the front half of the tank.
The photo (by Melvyn Frohnsdorff) shows the tender chassis rear buffer beam taken down from the frames in the workshop at Sheffield Park - full report (pdf) here.
July 2024
Leaky Finders have made great progress on a large number of repairs on the boiler and chassis - full detail in the report linked below. The new lower half section of throatplate has been formed into the correct shape, and stay holes drilled. It has been riveted and welded into position – see accompanying photo. The throatplate welds have passed their NDT tests.
The 4253 gang at the K&ESR have continued to maintain excellent progress with the fabrication of the new tender tank. The toolboxes at the front of the original tender were fit for further use, and have been cleaned and have been fitted to the new tender front.
Back at Sheffield Park, Melvyn Frohnsdorff has continued working to free up the rear dragbox on the tender frames, releasing and removing the rear drawhook, burning out rivets on the rear buffer beam, in order to access and remove the old drag box. The tender wheelsets have been prepared and will soon go to South Devon Railway Engineering for tyre turning. A Sunday 9F Club working party has helped with further cleaning of the loco brake gear components and the painting of the tender’s rear footsteps - full report (pdf) here.
June 2024
At Leaky Finders, work progresses on the loco's horn guides, with some rivets requiring replacement. The new rear dragbox components have been fabricated. The new plate work for the firebox outer wrapper has had stayholes drilled, and rivets have been replaced around the firehole door.
The 4253 gang at the K&ESR is working, on average, three days a week on the tank and maintaining excellent progress. The front half of the tender is all up in position, and framework for the rest of the tank was being assembled. Chris Hunford's photo shows the coal plate being offered up to the tender side and tender front.
Back at Sheffield Park, Melvyn Frohnsdorff is removing the two rear buffers in order to access rivets holding the drag box in place. The tender frames were lifted on 7 May and wheelsets removed. 9F Club and other volunteers have been helping cleaning the tender frames, wheelsets and brake gear - full report (pdf) here.
May 2024
At Leaky Finders, new boiler plate has arrived for the sections cut out of the sides of the outer wrapper and both sheets have been shaped, weld prepped, trial fitted and are now waiting to be welded in place. New platework for the loco's rear drag box has been fabricated and is in the process of being riveted together.
All the new steel plate for the new tender tank is now on site at the Kent & East Sussex Railway. The 4253 Loco Group have fabricated the new 'well' underneath the tank, as seen in the photo here. The coal space is under construction and lockers rivetted together. Back at Sheffield Park, the frames and wheels are being cleaned up and repainted, and preparations are in hand to replace the rear drag box on the tender frames - full report (pdf) here.
April 2024
The tender body has been lifted from the chassis and sent on a lorry to Rolvenden for the 4253 Group to commence work on fabricating a new one, which will incorporate many of the detailed parts from the old one.
The tender chassis will be overhauled in the Bluebell's loco works - full report (pdf) here.
March 2024
Leaky Finders have removed all the Monel stays from the copper firebox and the NDT has been undertaken of the accessible areas of the copper firebox. Work has also started on weld prepping the existing steel plate work. This photo (provided by Leaky Finders) shows work in progress on the firebox.
The tender tank is about 100 years old, and has now been separated from the frames and is being sent away to the 4253 Loco Group (based at the Kent & East Sussex Railway) for the fabrication of a replacement - full report (pdf) here.
January 2024
Leaky Finders have cut out wasted areas of the steel outer firebox wrapper on the sides and backhead that require replacement. The locomotive's rear dragbox was wasted by corrosion, and has been removed for replacement, as is seen in this photo (provided by Leaky Finders).
The wheelsets have been sent to the South Devon Railway for tyre turning; the axles and wheelsets have been ultrasonically tested and have passed. Boiler fittings are being overhauled by Bluebell workshop staff at Sheffield Park. Melvyn Frohnsdorff has been busy freeing up the tender tank to enable it to be lifted to gain access to the frames in order to assess their condition - full report (pdf) here.
November 2023
The full scope of the boiler repair has been agreed between us, our boiler inspector and Leaky Finders. Work has started to cut out the life expired sections of the outer firebox wrapper. The wheelsets have been sent to South Devon Railway Engineering (SDRE) for ultrasonic testing of the axles and tyre measurements - photo thanks to Leaky Finders - report (pdf) here.
The tender has now been moved into the maintenance shed at Sheffield Park for a start to be made in dismantling the tender tank.
October 2023
The flues and smoke tubes had been removed and some needle gunning of the boiler barrel undertaken. The boiler had its NDT (non-destructive testing) examination at the end of September. The frames were lifted on 4 October to allow the wheelsets to be removed - photo thanks to Leaky Finders - report (pdf) here.
September 2023
Leaky Finders have been pressing on with the loco's overhaul at their premises in Devon.
The boiler was freed up and lifted out of the frames on Friday 4 August. The large flue tubes and smoke tubes have been 'freed up' ready for removal - photo thanks to Leaky Finders - report (pdf) here.
August 2023
The Q-class arrived at Leaky Finders workshops in Devon on 6 July - photo thanks to Leaky Finders - report (pdf) here.
The tender remains at Sheffield Park and will require a new tender tank.
The Maunsell Locomotive Society's page for 541 - Bluebell web page for 541
Earlier overhaul (completed in 2015) - Loco Works News
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Updated 15 August 2024 by Richard Salmon
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