"Eagle" is a 1960-built Mk.I Met-Cam Pullman Car, schedule No. 311. It was owned at that time by the National Railway Museum, and was on loan to the Bluebell between 2000 and 2008 to provide additional facilities for our Golden Arrow Pullman Dining Train.
The First-class Mk.I Pullmans were built with individual arm chairs, but these cars were later rebuilt in the 1970s with "modern" 2+1 seating and a green vinyl wall covering. Due to its museum status it had to remain in that condition on the Bluebell, which contrasted poorly with the 1920s interiors of the Bluebell's other Pullmans, but at the time it provided important Kitchen facilites for the Bluebell's Pullman train.
Current status: see Carriage Register entry for this vehicle