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Volunteers needed for P-Way Works

Mon 12th to Friday 23rd November 2007

It would be great to see more people this weekend in particular - 17-18 Nov.

Reports and photos from the first week are below.

This year's engineering work concentrates on changing over 40 Bullhead rails out on the mainline between Sheffield Park and Kingscote, along with some possible work in the Down Yard at HK, should we get a sufficiently large number of attendees.

Volunteers are needed to join the team each, any or every day - come for as many/few days as you like (clearly the more the better!!)

Each day please report to the PWay mess room at HK for 08.15- 08.30 to sign on, have a beverage and prepare the works train prior to its departure about 09.00. For all of those who have started work by 09.20 a HOT 2-course lunch will be provided each day gratis.

Originally it was hoped to also attend to the loco yard at SP, but it has been decided to wait until the new design for the washout pit has been finalised, and so to delay the start until early next year. All volunteers should be members of the Bluebell railway with safety critical footwear.

Each day there will be a ride behind the works train working with Trevor and the Bluebell's own road railer, so please give us a hand should you have a spare day. Paul Robertson will lead the happy throng, with a usual finish time of about 16.00 each day. Our friends from the S&T dept will also be attending on selected days to fix the new bonding required on the replacement rails too. The majority of work will be from HK to K'cote.

So please help the volunteers from the Pway department out. Many Thanks in advance for your consideration and working attendance,

Cheers y'all
Paul L Norris

News from the first week - Nov 2007

Overhauled foundations for water crane - 13 Nov 07 - David Chappell KGT moves the water crane - 13 Nov 07 - David Chappell

Robin Elliott's station team have been repairing the old foundations and pit at the south end of Platforms 1 & 2 at Horsted Keynes over recent months. The Alf Brown Group have also been involved, and a water crane of a pattern which matches the others at Horsted Keynes prepared for installation. Taking advantage of the presence of the Railway's KGT for engineering week the water crane was erected on Tuesday 13th. The water crane cosmetically completes the project to return Platform 1 and 2 to its original form.

These photos come from David Chappell. There are no plans as yet to reconnect it to a water supply, and this particular crane had been made inoperable by its previous owners. Installation of a suitable water tank and reconnection of the cranes at Horsted Keynes is a very long-term aim, and steps towards this will be made as and when the opportunity arises in the future - for example the main pipe-run the length of the station between platforms 2 and 3 can be overhauled when those tracks are next lifted for improvements to the drainage.

water crane ready for lifting - 13 Nov 07 - David Chappell water crane erected - 13 Nov 07 - David Chappell

There was also work being done on the Horsted Keynes canopies, but the main work of the fortnight is replacing some worn rails, and the sequence of photos below shows the first stage of that (again on Tuesday 13th), delivering the rail to sites to the south and north of the tunnel, the O1 loco being used to propel the bo-rail and brake van. The KGT road-railer was used to unload the rails. The P-way gang followed by Wickham trolley to cut the rails to length and drill the ends as required before then actually swaping the rails.

Engineering train at Horsted Keynes - 13 Nov 07 - David Chappell Engineering train being propelled northwards from Horsted Keynes - 13 Nov 07 - David Chappell O1 loco propelling - 13 Nov 07 - David Chappell KGT unloads rails - 13 Nov 07 - David Chappell

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Valid HTML 4.0 Transitional! Last updated 21 November 2007 by Richard Salmon with text and photos from Paul Norris and David Chappell
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