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Becoming a volunteer on the Bluebell Railway


This is, of course, of paramount importance. The railway has a very good safety record, and it is everybody's responsibility to maintain that.

The various workshops are industrial environments. You are required by law to look after your own safety and that of your fellow workers. It is essential to wear safety boots, or other hard footwear. If you are working with anything where your eyes are in danger, you must wear safety goggles. Dust masks, ear defenders and goggles are available in the workshops. It is a good idea to bring a pair of working gloves. Never leave tools or work lying around where someone might trip on them. Always put tools away when you've finished.

The most obvious danger is from steam locos, which may be shunting the yards as well as on the main line. They can be deceptively quiet. Never cross in front of a moving vehicle, always behind. Hi-vis jackets must be worn when crossing or working near the running lines. Also, beware the fork-lift truck and Loadall.

At Horsted Keynes, there are some powerful woodworking machines in the workshop which you must not use without training or supervision. The same applies to the lathes, milling machine and sheet metal tools. If in doubt about anything, ask someone.

However our experience on the Bluebell, regrettably, is that it is a journey by road to or from the Railway which will be the most dangerous part of your day!

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