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Track Layouts: Sheffield Park - Horsted Keynes - West Hoathly - Kingscote - Location Map & Gradient Profile
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Sheffield Park Track Layout

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These diagrams show the recent and current track layout at Sheffield Park. Its origins, development and the earlier changes over the years of preservation have been a complex story, which will be added as time permits.

2008: Up to this date the track layout had been stable for a number of years, the last change being the addition of the siding at the top-left of the diagram, to accommodate the staff sleeping coaches. The adjacent pump-house siding held stored stock, and the original Bluebell-built locomotive washout pit which was reaching the end of its useful life. The Pump-house siding was also earmarked for use as the headshunt for the planned Woodpax shed.

Sheffield Park track layout as at the end of 2008

Aerial photo of Sheffield Park Station - Chris Berryman - 29 March 2013
Chris Berryman provides this aerial photo taken on 29 March 2013.

2014: The Woodpax Shed (Sheffield Park Carriage Shed), the new locomotive washout pit (the additional short headshunt and track below the others on the left of the diagram of the diagram), and "Above Workshop Facilities" (AWF) were constructed thanks to a fund-raising appeal, and a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund. This also enabled the platform 2 canopy to be extended Southwards to its original length. The Friends of Sheffield Park then undertook the extension of the platform one canopy to match, reaching the state shown below, following the demolition in early 2014 of the single-road 1960-built locomotive shed, which was becoming unsafe following damage in winter storms. The 2014 diagram is available here.

2020: The ASH project, funded by the NLHF, in addition to re-roofing the locomotive running shed, also funded a new locomotive maintenance shed covering the new washout pit and the site of the old single-road shed. The requirement to slew this track over to provide clearances resulted in the original tram road (which in any case had inadequate clearances past the "AWF") being abolished (although still embedded in the concrete).

Sheffield Park track layout - 2020

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Last updated 2 February 2023 by Richard Salmon.
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