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Bluebell Railway Blog:
Archive 2007

Please be aware that due to the historical nature of this page, some of the links on it may be out of date.

Archive of the Blog/What's New pages

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Web Site Update List: further down this page.

Photographic and video reports 2007:
Please note that some photos included below are taken by volunteers and staff during the course of their duties, and so may have been taken in areas not open to the general public. These photos are very valuable, since they enable the public to see these otherwise hidden facets of the railway, but visitors to the railway should note that they may be unable to visit these locations themselves.

Web-site Update Archive 2007

65 with Vintage train - 29 Dec 2007 - Andrew Strongitharm 30 December 2007:
  • The inaugural run of our new Lounge Car service will be at 3pm on Sunday 13th January. The service will be launched by actress Judy Cornwell, (from television comedy series "Keeping up Appearances" where she played Hyacinth Bucket's sister Daisy). In addition, the High Sheriff of West Sussex and local Mayors will also be in attendance.
  • Photos from Matt Allen taken today, showing both of the vintage trains, including LBSCR 'Fenchurch' with the Metropolitan Railway coaches, seen below.
  • Andrew Strongitharm also has photos of the vintage trains, including that on the right showing the SECR O1-class No.65 hauling carriages SECR 1098, LBSCR 7598, LCDR 114 and LBSCR 661.
Fenchurch with Mets - 30 Dec 2007 - Matt Allen

Stowe - 16 Dec 2007 - Derek Hayward 28 December:
  • A shunt of the shed now makes it possible to get a shot of Schools Class 'Stowe' in its new Malachite livery, as seen in Derek Hayward's photo taken on 16th December.
  • Details and dates for our 2008 Fish & Chips, Sausage & Mash, and Curry Night specials are now available. Book early, since the available places go quickly!
  • Update to the FAQ, including an explanation of our No Smoking policy.
  • Revision of the 2008 Special Events page.
  • Update to Access to the Railway page.

34028 'Eddystone' passes Caseford Bridge with a Santa Special - 24 Dec 2007 - Ashely Smith 27 December:
  • Update to the BRPS London Area Group page, with details of meetings in January, February and March.
  • Update to the loco roster from Lewis Nodes, showing expected loco usage through to the end of January.
  • Photos of Santa trains on Christmas Eve from Ashley Smith, including that on the right which marks the end of 34028 Eddystone's year on hire to the Bluebell.

Victorian Christmas train - 22 Dec 2007 - Derek Hayward 23 December:

Blackmoor Vale on Freshfield - 16 Dec 2007 - Brian Easter 19 December:

Stepney's Christmas - 16 Dec 2007 - Derek Hayward 18 December:
  • Dates and initial details of 2008 Special Events now available.
  • Update to Access to the Railway page, with updates to bus route 121 and 246 details. Note: Keysford Lane Bridge, Horsted Keynes, is to be closed for roadworks for 5 weeks starting on 7th January 2008. Diversions are signposted but are quite long! See more details on Fortunately this should not affect most of our visitors (unless you have a vehicle over 8ft high), but may involve temporary changes to the 270 bus service.
  • Derek Hayward's photo of Stepney, welcoming our visitors on Sunday 16th, is one of his photos taken that day.
  • Latest photos from Matt Allen, also from Sunday
  • Michael Topham got some silhouette shots on Saturday 15th.

7 December:

Santa Specials - 1 Dec 2007 - Derek Hayward 6 December:
5 December:
4 December:
  • Details now available for the Lounge Car service, which starts running in the new year. Tickets for this service could be the ideal christmas present!

3 December:
  • Reminder: next Saturday (8th December) at 7.30pm:
    Come and join us at our annual Carol Service at Horsted Keynes Station, which will be accompanied by The Bluebell Railway Band led by the Bluebell Chaplain and Rector of Horsted Keynes, The Reverend Timothy Rawdon-Mogg.
    Admittance free of charge. Mulled wine and refreshments available from the Station refreshment room.

First Santa of the year - 1 Dec 07 - Bryan Benn 2 December:

Camelot boiler lift - 19 Nov 2007 - Ben Coughlan 21 November:
  • Photo right from Ben Coughlan shows Camelot's boiler being lifted for overhaul this Monday. This boiler now occupies the space vacated by the boiler from S15 No.847, which was lifted onto the boiler wagon and taken into the works. Ben has also provided another photo of Camelot's boiler being lifted, and two showing the S15's boiler being moved (1 and 2).
  • New web pages thanks to Martin Skrzetuszewski and Nick Beck for CCT No.2276 and the GWR Toad Brake van.
  • Correction to the information about the installation of the water crane at Horsted Keynes included in the report of the first week of the Autumn P-way works, in that it was Robin Elliott's team who undertook most of the work on the water crane.

O1 loco propelling - 13 Nov 07 - David Chappell 17 November:

Wadebridge on M25 - 13 Nov 2007 - David Pratt's passenger 15 November:
  • David Pratt has sent me an update on Wadebridge's departure - the photo was taken on Tuesday (by David's passenger) on the M25, heading clockwise, approaching junction 11 at 10am.
    He also reports (c.f. the report below of 13th Nov) that both he and Tony Leaver were inside the firebox, and that they joined in observing the 2-minutes silence at 11am on Sunday from inside there, on hearing the loco whistle that announced the start of the silence!
  • New web page (combining text from Tim Robbins and Martin Skrzetuszewski, with photos from Neil Glaskin) for Mk.I Open First carriage S 3064 which arrived on 6th Nov, on a 5-year loan to the Bluebell after overhaul at Ramparts.

Wadebridge in loco yard - 11 Nov 2007 - Ken Upton 13 November:

Vintage Buses - 11 Nov 2007 - Nick Talbot and Andrew Strongitharm 12 November:

Photo charter with 'Appledore' - 6 Nov 2007 - Matt Allen 9 November:
7 November:

Recovery of LCDR Horsebox - 5 Nov 2007 - Dave Clarke 6 November:
  • As Dave Clarke's photo shows, we have filled another significant gap in our collection of rolling stock. Yesterday we recovered an LCDR Horsebox (still on its main underframe timbers) from a garden in Hythe, Kent. The recovery has been financed by the Bluebell Railway Trust. Believed to have been built around 1873, more details will be provided once we establish them! For the full story, see Dave's photos of the recovery operation.
  • Update to the Loco Workshop Working Group, with report of the relaunch of the C-class.
  • Update to Loco News report on the BR Standard 2 No.84030 project
  • New web pages thanks to Nick Beck, Martin Skrzetuszewski and Ted Crawforth for the LSWR road van and the SECR Dance Hall brake van No.11916.

592 and 65 at relaunch of the C - 3 Nov 2007 - Nick Talbot 5 November:

592 North of Sloop Bridge - 4 Nov 2007 - Derek Hayward 4 November:
Photo Charter - 30 Oct 2007 - Jon Bowers Blackmoor Vale - Oct 2007 - Bryan Benn

80151 at Wizards - 28 Oct 2007 - Andrew Strongitharm 29 October:
  • Andrew Strongitharm's photo on the right (from yesterday) illustrates the spooky goings on over the weekend for the "Wizards" event. (Or is this someone who overdid it at Saturday evening's Loco Dept Party?)
  • New Press Release - The Bluebell Railway Celebrates - giving details of the outcome of the Gala evening yesterday at Saint Hill.
  • Derek Hayward has now uploaded more of his Giants of Steam photos.
  • Linda Chen also now has a gallery of photos from Giants of Steam
  • A photo from Ian Bowskill and one from Stephen Parker have been added to the page for Giants of Steam
  • Vintage Trains will operate from 26th December to 2nd January 2008 - Celebrate the New Year in style - our oldest locomotives hauling Victorian and Edwardian carriages. Services depart from Sheffield Park hourly from 11am to 4pm.

92 Squadron and Eddystone - 20 Oct 2007 - Bryan Benn 26 October:

Wadebridge and Eddystone - 21 Oct 2007 - David Warwick 24 October:
23 October:
  • Update to the Loco Duty Roster thanks to Lewis Nodes - there are still a few gaps where it's not yet been decided which loco will run on some days.
  • Two Giants of Steam video compilations from Chris Ward on YouTube: Friday and Saturday

Vintage Buses - 21 Oct 2007 - Derek Hayward 22 October:

Eddystone with the goods - 21 Oct 2007 - Tom Waghorn 21 October:

Double-headed visitors - 20 Oct 2007 - Derek Hayward 20 October:

Pair of Spam-Cans - 18 Oct 2007 - Bryan Benn 19 October: Bulleid line-up - 19 Oct 2007 - Derek Hayward

Fenchurch with Autumn Tints - 17 Oct 2007 - Andrew Strongitharm 18 October:
  • On Friday 26th October '92 Squadron' will haul our Sussex Belle and City Limited Pullman services. This will be the only chance to see and ride behind either of the visiting Bulleid Pacifics on our Pullman train. Details here.
  • Andrew Strongitharm's photo of Fenchurch with yesterday's Autumn Tints is appropriate, since today is the last day of these special trains this year.
  • Andrew's other photos from yesterday show that the loco yard is now full of Bulleid Pacifics, making photography of them a little tricky!!!
  • As reported above (and in the Autumn edition of Bluebell News), BRPS Membership has now passed the 10,000 mark.

17 October:
971 outside shed - 13 October 2007 - Dave Clarke 4824 in undercoat - 13 October 2007 - Dave Clarke
  • Dave Clarke's photos show two of the current C&W department maintenance projects - on the left SECR Hundred Seater No.971 is being re-panelled, and on the right, our recently arrived Mk.I Open Second No.4824 has now received its first undercoat. These are covered in one of Dave's photo galleries.
  • Dave has also updated his main C&W photo gallery with photos showing progress with the overhaul of the Birdcage Brake, and a former Metropolitan Railway platform bench, restored by members of the BASH team.
  • Dave's and other people's photos have been used to update the C&W News pages for the Bulleid Brake No.2526, and the Queen Mary goods brake, and create new pages for the maintenance work on the SECR Hundred Seater No.971 and the new Mk.I SO.

  • There are still places available on the photo charter with 34081 and 34007 on Tuesday 30th October. Details are here, and bookings close on 22nd October.

92 Squadron arrived - 16 Oct 2007 - Sean Tompsett 16 October:
Wadebridge unloaded - 16 Oct 2007 - Sean Tompsett

Montage of locos in use - 14 Oct 2007 - Derek Hayward 15 October:
14 October:
13 October:

12 October:
  • Further information available about the Sunday 11th November Vintage Bus Running Day - extra morning bus and train - why not have a day out in Brighton, travelling all the way from East Grinstead on vintage buses and trains?
  • The Autumn Tints service does not run on 19th October (since this is the first day of the Giants of Steam gala.
  • The October edition of Bluebell Newsreel is available from Rail TV. As a reminder of the sort of thing to expect at Giants of Steam, see the Bluebell Newsreel video of last year's event. On Macintosh computers, you should use Firefox as a browser to view these videos.
    Last year's Giants of Steam also features on their DVD "The Bluebell Years - Part 2" is now on sale through the Bluebell Shop.
  • Bluebell Railway Christmas Hampers are also available through our online shop.
  • The Heritage Shunters Trust (owners of our on-hire D3023) have a new web site. Also some photos showing 08016 (as it then was) being prepared for its journey to Sussex last year.
  • Update to the Carriage Stock List noting that SECR No.971 is now receiving an intermediate bodyside overhaul - the external steel sheeting is being renewed, corroded bolts through the bottom-side timbers replaced and splits in the timber framing repaired.

1450 at Llangollen with autocoach 178 - 20 Apr 2007 - David Hennessey 10 October:
  • Subject to final confirmation, we have a visiting engine and coach booked for next February, including the Branch-line weekend. Details here. The photo on the right from David Hennessey shows Auto tank 1450 and trailer 178 in action at the Llangollen Railway, 20th April 2007.
  • Update to Loco Works News, reporting the return to traffic of the SECR C Class No.592.
  • Photo from Paul Pettitt taken today, showing the C-class at West Hoathly, with the Autumn Tints special train - below.
C-class with Observation Car - Paul Pettitt - 10 Oct 2007

C-class in action - 8 Oct 2007 - Ray Wills 9 October: C-class at Kingscote - 9 Oct 2007 - John Sandys

Blackmoor Vale at Mill Place Bridge - 7 Oct 2007 - Paul Pettitt 8 October:
  • New link to Railwayana Collectors' Network (RCN): RCN features an email contact list for railwayana adverts, requests for information etc. Pages include information about single line tokens, GWR cabsides, and a railwayana photo gallery.
  • Photo right taken yesterday by Paul Pettitt, showing 'Blackmoor Vale' amidst the start of the Autumn colours at Mill Place Bridge.

U-class with Queen Mary brake - 5 Oct 2007 - Derek Hayward 7 October:
  • Update to Loco Roster showing what locos might (and as always, subject to last minute changes) be operating on what days through to the end of the year. If all goes to plan, SECR C-Class No.592 will be used for the C&W shunt tomorrow, marking its first service use after overhaul - it was in steam today at Sheffield Park.
  • Derek Hayward has a gallery of photos from the Autumn Tints and other happenings around the railway on Friday, including the U-class with the 'Queen Mary' brake van seen on the right, and 'Blackmoor Vale' with the Golden Arrow Pullman train.

Fenchurch with Obo - 5 Oct 2007 - Andrew Strongitharm 6 October:

Dukedog with the Mets - 30 Sept 2007 - Nick Talbot 5 October:
  • With the Victorian Christmas trains essentially sold out, an additional train has been added:
    Victorian Christmas - After Dark on Sunday 23rd December, departing from Horsted Keynes at 5.15pm (returning by 6.30pm). Booking details here.
  • With SECR carriage No.971 entering the works for re-panelling and other attention, the Dukedog had charge of the Mets for the vintage train service last weekend - photo (right) taken on Sunday by Nick Talbot.

Normandy being painted - 30 Sept 2007 - Nick Talbot 4 October:
  • Booking for the Santa Specials is now open, and the Autumn Tints Observation Car specials are also under way.
  • Nick Talbot's photo right shows Ray Tanner giving LSWR B4 tank No.96 'Normandy' a smarten up on Sunday.
  • Update to Loco Roster from Lewis Nodes, which indicates what locos might (and as always, subject to last minute changes) be operating on what days.
  • Update to the Loco Works News pages with photos from Trevor West indicating recent progress on the overhaul of 1877-built 'Baxter', from the 73082 Camelot Locomotive Society on progress towards their loco's next overhaul, a photo from Nick Talbot showing welding in progress on Sir Archibald Sinclair's firebox, and a major update on the Brighton Atlantic project, with the frames being erected.
  • Paul Pettitt has a new photo of the month, showing Eddystone crossing Keysford Lane bridge, along with updates on his Standard 4, No.80151 and 'Blackmoor Vale' pages, and new set of (mainly Bluebell Railway oriented) pages for his black and white railway photography.
  • We're very pleased to report that a possible case of foot and mouth in the Haywards Heath area has turned out to be a false alarm, with laboratory tests showing that the disease was not present.

P-way gang - 23 Sept 2007 - Derek Hayward 26 September:
  • Update from Derek Hayward with photos taken on Sunday, including the one on the right showing the Permanent Way gang wheeling their tools to site on wheelbarrows, and also the Bluebell Railway Band performing at Sheffield Park. With the Grandparents day special, Lunchtime Golden Arrow, and two service trains, there were four steam locos out and about on the line as well!
  • Update to the details of exhibitions and shows at which we have publicity stands - Newhaven model show in November has been cancelled.
  • New link to SVS films, who produce railway DVDs including 'Standard in Sussex' featuring the Bluebell's 75027 (available in the Sheffield Park shop), and are about to release 'Maunsell Mogul in Sussex' featuring No.1638. They also host the Nine Elms loco depot website.

Blackmoor Vale - 23 Sept 2007 - Jon Bowers 24 September:
  • The photo on the right from Jon Bowers shows that 'Blackmoor Vale' was back in action on Sunday's Golden Arrow lunch train.
  • The Loco Roster was updated last week, and shows expected loco usage for the rest of the month.
  • Derek Hayward has been provided with special access to photograph the normally closed lineside between Horsted House Farm and the tunnel, and has used the photos to update his photographic survey of the line, which is now split into two parts: Sheffield Park to Horsted Keynes (including Horsted Keynes station) and Horsted Keynes to Kingscote.

12 September:

Eddystone - 8 Sept 2007 - Derek Hayward 10 September:

Stepney Birthday Special - 8 Sept 2007 - Derek Hayward 9 September:
  • Photo on right (from Derek Hayward) shows Saturday's very successful Stepney Club special train, with 'Stepney' and No.65, run to enable the members of the club to celebrate Stepney's birthday.
  • Update to the Stepney Club web page, with details of the new subscription rates to cover the increased postal charges which apply to club's newsletter after last year's changes to the postal system.
  • Similar update to the 9F Club pages.
  • Minor update to the page for next year's Victorian Picnic evening trains.

U-class with LCDR coach 114 - 12 Aug 2007 - Thomas Newble 5 September:

30 August:

Eddystone - 27 Aug 2007 - Derek Hayward 29 August:
  • More photos of Bank Holiday Monday trains from Derek Hayward now available, including that on the right, showing 'Eddystone' gently easing its train southwards down the bank.

28 August:

Locos in use today - 27 Aug 2007 - Derek Hayward 27 August:
  • Montage on the right of photos from Derek Hayward showing the three trains operating today - 'Eddystone' on the corridor set (including the GN Saloon), SECR No.65 on the SR vintage set (including the obo), and Standard tank No.80151 with the lunchtime Golden Arrow Pullmans. Click on the montage for enlargements of the photos.
  • Derek has also updated his photographic survey of the line, with some more lineside shots between the stations.

26 August:
  • Update to the Loco Roster provided by Lewis Nodes. This shows what locos we expect to have in service on any given day. Please be aware that this plan may subject to change without warning for a variety of operational reasons. The roster is also at present incomplete for the period after 30th August, since locos have yet to be allocated to some duties.

Stationary engine - Linda Chen - 11 Aug 2007 23 August:

Eddystone and Sir Berkeley - Tom Waghorn - 11 Aug 2007 22 August:
  • Link to Tom Waghorn's photos added to the page reporting on the Bluebell 125 event. The one on the right shows Eddystone setting off from Horsted Keynes on the Saturday, whilst 'Sir Berkeley' shunts the mixed train.

Southern Queen - Dave Chambers - 11 Aug 2007 21 August:

The H and the C - Keith Leppard - 12 Aug 2007 16 August:
  • Entry details for the 2007/8 Football Competition are here - Hurry - entries need to be posted tomorrow!!! The competition raises money for Operation Undercover, to help with the railway's contribution (25%) towards the total costs of the HLF bid. Details of the money raised in the last (and earlier) competitions is also available.
  • Further details (but still only preliminary at this stage) available for the Giants of Steam event in October, which should feature four Bulleid Pacifics (three of them air-smoothed) amongst the 8 locos planned to be in steam.
  • Photos from 5th August, featuring Met.1 and Eddystone, from Martin Creese
  • Photos from Bluebell 125 from Keith Leppard, including that on the right, showing the H-class drawn out of the shed to make it available to photograph, in the company of the C-class.
  • Photos from the weekend from Linda Chen

Met.1, the O1 and the C - Nick Beck - 11 Aug 2007 15 August:
  • A full report with extensive photoraphic coverage, and links to all our photographers' own galleries and videos is now available for the Bluebell 125 Gala. The photo on the right is from Nick Beck.
  • Another fine gallery of photos, from Clive Hanley
  • Update to the C&W news page on LSWR carriage 1520, with photos of the interior of the most advanced compartment, with its seats temporarily in place.
  • Extension update: The Bluebell Railway is delighted to have received planning permission for its new station at East Grinstead. This marks another successful step in the legal and technical process necessary to extend the railway from Kingscote into East Grinstead and achieve the long terms aims of both the Bluebell Railway and the town of East Grinstead. The next step is to finalise the station design and get the building work underway as soon as possible so the station is ready for the first trains to arrive. In the meantime watch for developments at the station site; things should start to happen later this year.
  • Sussex Community Rail Partnership - East Grinstead Circular Walk
    Saturday 18th August 2007 - East Grinstead Railway Station - 1.30 to 4pm
    The walk is classed as medium grade (5 miles) with 2 scheduled stops.
    Please bring lunch and water! Suitable footwear must be worn. Sorry no dogs.
  • Reciprocal link added for a web site promoting free tourist attractions across Europe. We are not in the free section!

'Gala - 12 August 2007 - Derek Hayward 14 August:
Sir Berkeley at Horsted Keynes - Ashley Smith - 11 August 2007
  • Bluebell 125 The C-class was in light steam at Sheffield Park, as was 'Sir Berkeley' at Horsted Keynes (photo left from Ashley Smith). Unfortunately both 'Sir Berkeley' and Met.1 suffered from hot axle-boxes (that on Met.1 was a repeat occurrence, since the offending box had been removed and re-metalled during the week following its hot box the previous Sunday).

    The schedule for the Saturday was upset from the start following delays caused by fog, compounded by one train being slightly too long for the track circuit to clear, then difficulty getting brakes off one coach. A blockage in the water feed between tank and crane at Sheffield Park finally put paid to the planned timetable, and with larger crowds than expected, we reverted to a simple "run the most frequent service possible using those locos which had water in their tenders" for the rest of the day - it was still a very fine show! Up in the field at Horsted Keynes, the traction engines and vintage cars were a major attraction, and the "open house" in the carriage works, with visitors able to examine LSWR brake 3rd No.1520, and talk to members of the restoration team was a well-received additional attraction.

    A revised timetable was hastily devised for the Sunday, which worked very well, and, with the exception of the visiting engines with hot boxes, the cavalcade at Horsted saw all the planned Bluebell engines together (with only 80151 missing, as planned, since it was busy hauling a train). The double-headed Bulleid finale ran after the cavalcade.

'Sir Berkeley with the evening land cruise - 10 August 2007 - Andrew Strongitharm 10 August:
  • As the curtain-raiser for this weekend's Bluebell 125 gala, visiting locomotive Manning Wardle 'Sir Berkeley' hauled a "Land Cruise" train this evening, consisting of our two restored 4-wheel coaches, LBSCR First No.661 and LCDR Brake Third No.114, as is seen in Andrew Strongitharm's photo on the right.

9 August:
  • Revised information on the extra buses on Route 473, adding in times for a Vintage RML, this coming weekend.
    Also please note that with all the exhibits on display at Horsted Keynes, there will be very limited car parking available at this station. Passengers arriving by car are advised to commence their visit at Sheffield Park.

'C-class No.592 - 8 August 2007 - Rob Faulkner 8 August:
  • Photos from Rob Faulkner of the C-class loco No.592 undergoing its steam test today (which it passed). However there are still a few jobs that need to be done before it can enter service. Photo on the right shows the loco backed onto a train which happened to be standing in the platform at Sheffield Park - but it has yet to undertake any loaded test runs.
  • Also consequent update to the Loco Workshop Working Group page.


  • Correction to Bluebell 125 information - there is an early morning (8.00am) passenger train from Sheffield Park (which then forms the 8.47 from Horsted Keynes). This will be formed of the 4-wheelers and observation car, hauled by the Terriers, so has limited passenger capacity. The 270 bus from Haywards Heath to Horsted Keynes is recommended as a route to visit the event by public transport.

Dukedog with the Mets - Tom Waghorn - 3 August 2007
  • Tom Waghorn has provided a new gallery showing Bluebell activities over the last week and a half, including filming at Horsted Keynes, the re-launch of the Mets, and the photo on the left, taken on Friday 3rd August showing that the Met tank is not the only loco to have hauled the Met coaches, which have been providing the stock for our scheduled "Vintage Branch Train" service.

'Rainbow behind signal at Horsted Keynes - 25 February 2007 - Derek Hayward 7 August:
  • Update to Bluebell 125 information for next weekend, with details of extra buses on Route 473.
    Also please note that with all the exhibits on display at Horsted Keynes, there will be very limited car parking available at this station. Visitors arriving by car are advised to commence their visit at Sheffield Park.
  • The photo by Derek Hayward of a rainbow behind the Platform 2 northbound starting signal, was taken following a heavy shower on 25 Feb 2007, and is part of his photographic survey of the line.

C-class loco No.592 at the Bluebell back in 1977 - Clive Hanley 6 August:
  • Clive Hanley has some more archive photos of the Bluebell, including the one of SECR C-class No.592 on the right (taken in 1977, when it carried plain green livery) - whilst it appears that the C will not quite be ready in time to haul trains this coming weekend, we're expecting to field 11 locos - with 10 of them appearing in a cavalcade on the Sunday, which is followed by a grande finale train when the brace of Bulleid pacifics will have some work to do on the 1-in-75 climb to the tunnel!
  • Updated web page for SECR Birdcage Brake No.1170
  • Update to the contacts page, adding details for Avril Gaynor, our press officer.

'Met1 at Horsted Keynes - 4 August 2007 - Alan Bedford 4 August:
  • Update to Bluebell 125 information for next weekend, with details of first and last trains, and the cavalcade on the Sunday afternoon.
  • Derek Hayward has added a photographic tour along the Bluebell Railway, featuring the stations, signals, signal boxes, sheds and works along the operational part of the line, now split into two parts: Sheffield Park to Horsted Keynes (including Horsted Keynes station) and Horsted Keynes to Kingscote.
  • Photos from today from Alan Bedford. Sample on right. Unfortunately due to a hot box, that's as far as the loco got today.

    Bluebell Newsreel Video service Latest edition of the Bluebell Newsreel Webvision service is now available.

'Photo charter with Met loco and coaches - 29 July 2007 - Paul Pettitt 1 August:

Book Cover - Sussex Engineman 31 July:
  • Sussex Engineman, The Hubert Hobden Memoirs Volume One: 1913 - 1935
    This book is now available from the Bluebell Railway Shop, or can be ordered by post (in which case 10% will go to the the Bluebell's Brighton Atlantic Project) from 22, Glassenbury Drive, Bexhill-on-Sea, TN40 2NY - cheques payable to "Buggleskelly Books". Copies are priced £9.95 (plus £1 P&P).

    Hubert Hobden joined the LB&SCR in 1913 as a cleaner at Eastbourne shed. During the next twenty-two years he was promoted to fireman and driver. This is the story of his experiences on and off the footplate. Hubert faithfully records the railway scene of some eighty years ago and the many vibrant characters he encountered. Here, for the very first time in print, is a rare and deliciously detailed account of southern railways.

    A limited edition of 500 copies only. A5 size, perfect bound. 100 pages plus 4-colour laminated card cover. 60-plus B/W and colour photos and 4 full-page maps.

'Photo charter with Met loco and coaches - 29 July 2007 - Matt Allen 30 July:
  • More photos from yesterday's photo charter with the Metropolitan Railway locomotive and coaches, from Andrew Strongitharm, and, along with photos taken earlier in the day as well, from Matt Allen (including that on the right).
  • Minor correction to the web page for carriage No.24458.

The relaunch train emerges from the tunnel at West Hoathly - 28 July 2007 - Derek Hayward 29 July:

'Sir Berkeley' at Middleton Railway - July 2007 - VCT 27 July:
  • As part of the official launch of the complete set of Metropolitan coaches, the Metropolitan Railway Locomotive No.1 is visiting the Bluebell Railway to help haul the special train on Saturday 28th July.
       The loco hauled a test train up the line yesterday, and this went very well indeed.
    Additional steaming days are:
  • Visit of Manning Wardle Locomotive "Sir Berkeley" (Photo Right).
    This locomotive will only be visiting the Bluebell for three days of service:
  • Update to Operational Locomotives page, adding the above.
  • Update to Bluebell 125 event details, adding:

24 July:
  • Details now available for walking tours of the Ardingly branch from Horsted Keynes, through Lywood Tunnel, which are being run over Bluebell 125 weekend.

Eddystone with Lunchtime Golden Arrow Pullman - 22 July 2007 - Ashley Smith 22 July:
  • Photos from today from Ashley Smith, showing Eddystone (right), the U, and the O1 in action, and Blackmoor Vale and the Dukedog at Sheffield Park. Photos in the works show the C-class tender looking remarkably finished, and that for Sir Archibald Sinclair. Also a photo of the Atlantic project, a photo of Horsted Keynes station with the remnants of the partially cancelled Collectors Fair, and a photo showing the LSWR brake coach in the C&W Works.

Flooded subway at Kingscote - John Sandys - 20 July 2007 21 July:
  • We regret that, due to adverse weather conditions, the second day of the Toy and Collectors' Fair on Sunday 22nd July has been cancelled. This is necessary because there is virtually no parking available at Horsted, and flooding at Sheffield Park also limits the parking available there. Added to this is a quagmire both inside and outside the marquee in the field at Horsted. Trains will still run as timetabled, and some stall-holders are staying for the second day, with stalls on the station platforms, but with such limited parking available, we cannot in all conscience encourage people to come, unless able to do so by public transport. The car-boot element of the event is also cancelled.
  • The photo on the right shows the flooded subway at Kingscote yesterday. Today the water was gone, but had left a thick layer of mud. As the photo also shows, the subway had only been repainted a few weeks ago! The mud has been hosed away and preparations made for another coat of paint!
  • Note from Gavin Bennett (Hon Sec): "I regret to announce that long serving volunteer Ralph Piper died on Friday 20th July." Funeral details on Members' page.

Met.1 at Quainton - Matt Allen 20 July:
  • The Metopolitan E-class Tank Locomotive, No.1 of 1898, arrives at the Bluebell early next week. Its first use will be for a private re-launch event on Saturday 28th July for BASH supporters (for those people who have helped fund materials for, or undertaken the restoration of our four Metropolitan Railway carriages). It will be in public service on Sunday 29th, and also as the star attraction for the August 11-12 Bluebell 125 gala. Met.1 is based at the Buckinghamshire Railway Centre and owned by the Quainton Railway Society, to whom many thanks for agreeing the loan. Photo courtesy Matt Allen.
  • Update to Members' notices page with details of a special members' train.
  • Also visiting for Bluebell 125 is Manning Wardle 'Sir Berkeley' of 1890 - on Friday 10th August you can join an Evening Land Cruise with this loco and two contemporary 4-wheel coaches.
  • Update to the Bluebell 125 page - this weekend is looking like a strong contender for the top railway gala of the year!
  • Update to news of the overhaul of LSWR brake 1520 from Andrew Pepper.
  • Photos from John Sandys: Photo charter with Bulleid Pacifics, on 10th July, and flooding today at Kingscote - much of England was hit by torrential rain and flooding - at Kingscote the water came down the road, across the forecourt, through the station building and filled up the subway!

Sir Archibald Sinclair Smokebox - July 2007 - John Fry 19 July:

David Shepherd with latest painting in progress, at Sheffield Park - 14 July 2007 - John Sandys 18 July:
  • The BBC Southern Counties Bus is visiting the Bluebell (Sheffield Park) tomorrow - Thursday 19th July.
  • Photo on the right from John Sandys, taken at the weekend's "End of Southern Steam" 40th anniversary event, showing David Shepherd with his latest painting in progress.
  • Further photos from the Saturday from Derek Hayward
  • Photos from Dave Clarke from last Tuesday's photo charter, and also from around the Carriage & Wagon department.
  • Updates on the Extension: We exchanged contracts last Thursday with the county council for the purchase of the tip, so the green light is now there for the fund raising push through to East Grinstead. There is also a report from Nigel Longdon on progress with physical work on the extension.
  • Update to page giving details (an appealing for help with) external events where the Bluebell has a publicity stand: our attendance at the Lingfield Steam Show, 4-5 August, is confirmed.
  • There's a photo of 80151 (now a Bluebell engine) on the BBC web site - the last steam-hauled Redhill to Reading train.
  • Updates to the Carriage Fleet Review for the Mk.I carriages, and the revised overview, taking account of recent developments, and the recent arrival of the SO and SK.
  • All links to Maunsell Locomotive Society pages have now been updated (I hope!)
  • Lewis Nodes updated the Loco roster last week, indicating which days we expect which locos to work. It includes details of when we expect our two forthcoming visitors to be running. More details tomorrow!
  • Update to Who's Who page, now that Paul Churchman is confirmed as plc Operations Director.

34028 as 34021 - 10 July 2007 - Tony Pearce 11 July:
  • Tony Pearce's photo illustrates yesterday's successful evening photo charter with 34028 running as 34021 'Dartmoor'. This event was the culmination of a day which saw a private function for The Bulleid Pacific Locomotive Association in conjunction with The Bulleid Society and the Bluebell Battle of Britain Locomotive Group, with thanks also due to Southern Locomotives Limited and a warm-up for the weekend's "End of Southern Steam" 40th anniversary public event.

    Photos from the evening charter are available from Tony Pearce and others taken that day also from Matt Allen

  • Video on YouTube from 10 June from Chris Ward
  • Update on the Maunsell Loco Socety's web site with news of progress on the overhaul of the S15 No.847 - the boiler survey has revealed no unexpected problems, and plenty of other news. Some of the links to MLS web pages on this site are now out of date, due to a (hopefully temporary) change of domain name - replaces, and I hope to have completed revision of the links on this site before too long.

Rubbing down the boiler cladding - 8 July 2007 - Rob Faulkner 9 July:

SO interior - 1 July 2007 - Dave Clarke 6 July:
4 July:
  • Update to the Extension Progress page with the news that we have signed the contract to purchase Imberhorne Lane cutting and the rubbish tip, so can at last commence the serious matter of the fund raising required to clear the tip.

Barcombe station - Derek Hayward - 2 June 2007 3 July:

U with Fathers day Pullman train - Howard Strongitharm - 17 June 2007 29 June:
  • Not wishing to be totally upstaged by his son, Howard Strongitharm has sent this photo of the U-class with the luncheon Pullman train on Fathers' Day.
  • Addition to carriage stock list of newly arrived Mk.I Open Second No. 4824. It arrived on Monday, and was in the paint shop at Horsted Keynes by Tuesday.
  • New link to the Green Man public house, in Horsted Keynes village, which has long been a favourite watering hole for working members of the railway...

O1 with train - Andrew Strongitharm - 17 June 2007 27 June:
  • Photos taken of the Fathers' Day specials, and other events on Sunday 17th June (including passengers awaiting the Victorian evening train), by Andrew Strongitharm, including that on the right of the SECR O1 with a 1930s liveried train.

Day out with Thomas at the Bluebell - Derek Hayward - June 2007 26 June:

Loco line-up at Sheffield Park - Jon Bowers 15 June:
  • Details now available for an extra special event added into our calendar: on 14 - 15 July: Commemoration of the end of SR steam - Commemorating the fortieth anniversary of the end of SR steam in July 1967, with special guest David Shepherd, and an exhibition of his paintings.
  • Initial details now available for the Bluebell 125 and Giants of Steam gala events. The photographic line-up on the right (from Jon Bowers) is a taster for the Bluebell 125 event, which should see at least 9 locos running an intensive service, along with steam traction engines, vintage vehicles, etc. We are hoping to have 4 Bulleid Pacifics running at Giants of Steam, along with other engines.
  • New web page created for the Mk.I SK No.24458 which arrived earlier in the week, thanks to Martin Skrzetuszewski.

Nick Talbot - crew of Blackmoor Vale - 9 June 2007 14 June:

Montage of Nick Talbot's photos - Blackmoor Vale - 9 June 2007 13 June:
  • The C-class boiler has been fitted. Rob Faulkner's photos are used to update the loco workshop group page, and further photos are on his fotopic site. The next volunteer working day on the project is Sunday 24th June.
  • The photos on the right show the crew on Blackmoor Vale on Saturday, and have been provided by Nick Talbot - see the photos in full here, and more of them on his photobox site.
  • Photos taken on Sunday by Chris Ward.
  • Update to Who's Who page, with new BRPS Trustee Assignments following the recent AGM. In an effort to help the Trustees fulfil their obligations under the rules, the Society Committee has agreed to move away from the traditional practice of giving each Trustee a 'position', eg S&T Trustee. Instead, we have decided to focus on ensuring that the company delivers against the policies and objectives set by the Society.
    Those Trustees who have been put forward as Directors will continue to manage their respective areas and will report to the Committee in the normal way. The remaining Trustees will collectively take a very close look at the way it is delivered, some through their chairmanship of the various sub-committees. Some areas, such as the 9F and Stepney Clubs, and Volunteer Recruitment are not company related, but still need a specific Trustee to take responsibility for them.

Stepney returns to Sheffield Park with Footplate special - 2 June 2007 - Derek Hayward 8 June:

Viaduct on Extension route - March 2007 - Derek Hayward 5 June:

New main steam pipes - Blackmoor Vale - John Fry - May 2007 1 June:

Eddystone at Kingscote - May 2007 - Sean Tompsett 31 May:

Photo from brake van - Footplate Days and Ways - Chris Dadson - 25 May 2007 26 May:

Spitfire Fund cake stall - 13 May 2007 - Nick Beck 24 May:

Beattie well tank and Birch Grove, at Spa Valley Railway gala - Paul Pettitt - 20 May 2007 21 May:

32473 at the Spa Valley - 19 May 2007 - Matt Allen 20 May:

Nameplate holder in place - John Fry - May 2007 18 May:

UXB at Horsted Keynes - 12 May 2007 - Linda Chen 17 May:
  • Photo gallery of the Southern at War weekend from Linda Chen, including the one on the right showing the disruption caused on the platforms at Horsted Keynes by the presence of a UXB.
  • Update to the FAQ (Frequently asked questions) page adding the 2006 financial data and visitor numbers to the statistical section at the end.

USA tank in wartime livery, at Sheffield Park - Derek Hayward - 12 May 2007 13 May:
  • Derek Hayward's photo from yesterday illustrates the weekend's "Southern at War" event.
    Photo galleries notified so far from: We had 5 locos running over the weekend: 21C123 Blackmoor Vale, U Class No.1638, Earl of Berkeley No.9017, No.34028 Eddystone and BR Standard 4 No.80151.

Eastern portal of Lywood Tunnel - early 2007 - Derek Hayward 11 May:

Fenchurch hauls the Bluebell Special - Derek Hayward - 1 May 2007 2 May:

80151 and Bluebells - 22 April 2007 - Matt Allen 30 April:

Wedding Belle Pullman Train - Tim Baker - 20 April 2007 26 April:

32473 passes bluebells at 3-arch bridge - 22 April 2007 - Tony Pearce 24 April:

Flour collected at Chailey Windmill - James Young 18 April:
  • Photos of the road vehicles out and about on their deliveries added to report on the Goods Train weekend - the one on the right shows the delivery to Chailey Windmill.
    Photos from Dave Clarke taken that same weekend, at Horsted Keynes also now linked from that page, and Derek Hayward has uploaded some more of his, and added captions.
  • RailTV have added a video to YouTube showing Birch Grove being unloaded at the Mid Hants a few weeks back, as a trailer for their video covering the visit, details of which are available via the Bluebell Newsreel website.

U-class with Goods Train - 15 April 2007 - Matt Allen 16 April:
  • More photo albums available from the Goods Train Weekend from Chris Dadson, Matt Allen (including the photo on the right), Derek Hayward and Paul Pettitt.
  • Photos from yesterday's working day on the C-Class from Rob Faulkner. The next working day is Sunday 29th April.
  • Locomotive shed tours. Following the success of the carriage shed tours, similar guided tours of the locomotive shed and yard will take place on Sunday 12th August and Sunday 21st October. There will be three tours each day starting at 11.30am, 12.30pm and 1.30pm. There is no need to book and there is no charge although donations will be gratefully received. These dates have been added to the Special Events page.

Mechanical Horses at Horsted Keynes - 15 April 2007 - Derek Hayward 15 April:
  • More photos from David Warwick, Andrew Strongitharm and Derek Hayward added to report on the Goods Train weekend. Also photo galleries from the event are being listed on that page, as they are notified (David, Andrew, plus Ashley Smith and Clive Hanley so far), along with some rather nice videos from Mike Snow and Jon Bowers. Photo on the right is from Derek Hayward, taken today, showing Scammell mechanical horses and trailers outside Horsted Keynes station.
  • Photo of the LMS BGZ back in service last weekend added to round off the page reporting the work on this brake van's roof.
  • Photos taken 20 years ago by Clive Hanley

Fenchurch and Stepney at West Hoathly - 14 April 2007 - Derek Hayward 14 April:

Queen Mary brake van and Pipefit - 12 April 2007 - Andy Prime 13 April:
  • Two more restorations completed: The finishing touches were applied to the Queen Mary brake van yesterday, and this photo from Andy Prime shows it and the Pipefit ready for tomorrow, making their debut at the Goods Train Weekend.
  • Updates to C&W works news pages for the Pipefit and the Queen Mary with more of Andy's photos. The completion of these overhauls and running maintenance on the rest of the wagon fleet occupied many man-days of volunteer and staff effort over the last couple of weeks in preparation for this weekend, without which there wouldn't have been much of an event! The web pages for these wagons have also been updated.
  • Updates from the Bulleid Society with details of the valve-ring change on "Blackmoor Vale" and boiler work on "Sir Archibald Sinclair"
  • Update and photos on the Brighton Atlantic project (apologies that it's taken so long to get these pictures up).
  • Photos from Matt Allen taken last Monday
  • Derek Hayward's photos from Easter Sunday and Monday

U-class 1638 with City Limited - Andrew Strongitharm - 9 April 2007 10 April:

Queen Mary brake van lifted - Feb 2007 - Tom Waghorn 7 April:
  • Tom Waghorn's photo shows the SR 12T Hand Crane being used to lift the Queen Mary brake. All being well the Queen Mary and the Pipefit will both be in traffic for next weekend's Goods Train Weekend - tickets for which can now be purchased on-line.
  • Updates to C&W works news pages for the Hand Crane, the Pipefit and the Queen Mary, and the LMS BGZ, which returned to traffic a week ago.
  • Photos from last Monday, from Ray Wills, showing the Monday steam shunt, and reporting the unusual change of sets which took place at Horsted Keynes, mid-service.

U-class 1638 - PAul Pettitt - 17 March 2007 6 April:

Today's locos - Derek Hayward - 2 April 2007 2 April:
  • The photos from Derek Hayward (right) show the locos in use today - 9017 with the vintage set, 32473 on the shunt, and 1638 on the corridor set - this serves as a reminder that trains are now running every day right through to October 28th.
  • Photos and report on yesterday's C-class workshop day from Rob Faulkner. The Boiler has passed its hydraulic test! From now on, working days will be fortnightly starting with the next one on Sunday 15th April.
  • Ron Fisher has just put some photos taken at and around the Bluebell in 1960 on his fotopic site. Includes a great shot of our Viaduct. Immediately following the one from our line are some taken of the Met coaches in their last year of operation on the Chesham branch.
  • Reminder that Discounted tickets are available for the Southern At War event if booked by 11th April 2007.
  • Update for page on helping at Bluebell publicity stands - the Merstham show is now confirmed, but that at Woking cancelled.
  • Update to Who's Who page, adding Don Phillips as curator, Ian Wright as Shed-Master, and changes to some directors' responsibilities.
  • Update to the Social Sub-Committee page, with minor variations in the pick-up timings for the coach trip to the North Norfolk Railway.

30 March:

Dukedog with Vintage Train - Derek Hayward - 25 March 2007 25 March:

16 March:

Blackmoor Vale with the GA Pullman - Derek Hayward - 11 March 2007 12 March:

Blackmoor Vale back in action - Derek Hayward - 10 March 2007 10 March:
  • Blackmoor Vale returned to service today after completion of the maintenance work on its firebox. The photo from Derek Hayward shows it leaving Sheffield Park.

8 March:

Pullman Lilian re-joins the Golden Arrow - 4 March 2007 - Dave Clarke 5 March:
  • Fresh from the paint shop, Pullman Car 76 "Lilian" ran on Saturday evening on the Golden Arrow, which is now back to a 4-car Pullman formation, as seen in this photo from Sunday Lunchtime from Dave Clarke.
  • Updates to various loco pages following the retirement from traffic of BR Standard 4-6-0 No.75027. It now joins the queue of locos awaiting overhaul. New photos of the engine provided by Derek Hayward.

Bluebell Newsreel Video service Announcing the launch of Bluebell Newsreel's new Webvision service, a wonderful way for you to contribute financially to the Bluebell and enjoy monthly programmes all about the Railway. 80 minutes of high quality programmes are available already, as well as a preview of the material from Branch-line weekend.

Birch Grove at the Mid Hants - 2nd March 2007 - David Chappell 4 March:
  • The Bluebell Shop at Sheffield Park will be closed on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday for an internal re-organisation. It is hoped to re-open on Thursday 8th March.
  • The photo on the right from David Chappell shows our LBSCR E4 No.32473 at the Mid Hants Railway on Friday for the start of their spring gala.

Pullman Lilian shunted out of the carriage works - 1 March 2007 - Andy Prime 2 March:

No.65 with the mixed train - 24 Feb 07 - Matt Allen 1 March:
  • Update to Loco Works News with news of progress on the boilers of the C-class and the Bulleid Society's 21C123 "Blackmoor Vale", which has passed its hydraulic test, and could be running again very soon.
  • Further photos and videos now available from the Branch Line Weekend, including the one on the right from Derek Hayward.
  • Update to the Loco Roster from Lewis Nodes, as a result of Standard 4, No.75027 requiring more boiler work than can be justified by the few remaining months of its boiler certificate.
  • BRPS membership total continues to head towards 10,000, with the latest figure being 9,850.

No.65 with the mixed train - 24 Feb 07 - Matt Allen 27 February:

16 February:
  • Further details of attractions, first and last trains, and 473 bus times available for the 24-25 February Branch Line Weekend - varied timetable with numerous new features - six steam locos. Guided tours of the Carriage & Wagon Works available.

80151 and 32473 - Nick Talbot - 13 Feb 2007 15 February:
13 February:

12 February:

80151 on the Golden Arrow - Nick Talbot - 11 Feb 2007 11 February:
10 February:

9 February:

80151 and Christine lead the lunchtime Golden Arrow - Andrew Strongitharm - 4 Feb 2007 8 February:
  • News report on the overhaul of the SECR C-class from the Locomotive Workshop working group added to the Loco Works News page.
  • Update from Gary Smith, showing the current positions in our fund-raising Football Competition.
  • Photo (right) from Andrew Strongitharm of Sunday's lunchtime Golden Arrow Pullman dining train, with Loco No.80151, and Pullman Christine leading. This was Christine's first use in the dining train since overhaul. While the LMS BGZ brake van is receiving some maintenance, the SR brake van, No.404, is being used with the Pullmans.
  • Following the retirement of Barry Coward, the Bluebell Railway has appointed Avril Gaynor as Press Officer. Consequent update to "Who's Who" page.
  • Updates to various pages, raising the profile of the Bluebell Standard Class 2 project, which is now starting to make serious progress towards the conversion of an ex-Barry scrapyard 2-6-0 to the 2-6-2 tank version, which would otherwise be un-represented in preservation.

65 returns to Horsted Keynes with the Vintage train - Derek Hayward - 3 Feb 2007 7 February:

75027 in silouette - Dec 2006 - Michael Topham 5 February:

32473 climbs to Monteswood bridge - Paul Pettitt 1 February:

Victorian models and trains - Derek Hayward - 28 Jan 2007 31 January:

30 January:
  • Preliminary details now available for the 24-25 February Branch Line Weekend
  • Details available for the Valentine's Day Pullman Tea on Wednesday 14th February - Pamper the one you love on board our special train (limited places - pre booking essential).
  • There will be another Loco Workshop Working Group working day on Sunday 4th February. The plan is to meetup around 9am - 9.30am outside the loco workshop. You are welcome to attend whatever hours you please as any help will be appreciated. Keep an eye on the web page for details of future working dates.
  • It has been announced by the BBC that former trade and industry secretary and ex-Southend West MP Paul Channon has died at the age of 71. The former Conservative minister was made a life peer - Baron Kelvedon of Ongar - in 1997. He died at the family home in Brentwood, Essex, on Saturday. He was involved in the official launch of the Bluebell Railway's northern extension on Sunday 13th March 1988, using our steam crane to ceremonially lay the first track panel. Sadly he will not see our final achievement of running into East Grinstead.

Victorian Train - Derek Hayward - 28 Jan 2007 29 January:
  • Updates to the foreign language pages for 2007.
  • Photo on the right from Derek Hayward shows yesterday's Victorian Train, hauled by the SER O1 No.65, attacking the 1-in-75 climb north from Leamland Bridge at Horsted Keynes. This was the last day in traffic for a few months for the Metropolitan set, which is now withdrawn for maintenance to the first two of the coaches which were restored to traffic nearly 8 years ago, and are now to receive minor attention to bring them up to scratch before the re-launch gala for the entire 4-coach Met set.
  • As a taster for his photos from this weekend's Victorian theme day, Henry O'Dwyer has two earlier sets of photos ( one and two) on his web site.

Bulleids in Loco Works - Dave Clarke - 21 Jan 2007 26 January:
A couple of photo updates I missed earlier in the week:

Fenchurch at HK - Andrew Strongitharm - Jan 2007 25 January:
  • Further details now available for this coming weekend's Victorian Weekend - A FREE replacement bus will operate between Sheffield Park and Horsted Keynes due to engineering work.
  • Paul Norris pleads: P-Way engineering fortnight - people required this Sat and Sun (especially the Sunday) and all of next week Mon-Fri, as lots to do on the track from SP to HK. Please meet at the porters' lobby 08.30 each morning at SP, free hot lunch in the Bessamer Arms if working by 09.30 each day. Rail Changing, plate oiling, chairs and concrete sleepers to be re-fitted and aligned etc, plus assisting with No.7 points at SP with S&T dept too.
  • Photo update from last weekend from Andrew Strongitharm, including the photo on the right showing Fenchurch with the Met brake at Horsted Keynes.
  • Jon Bowers has updated his web pages with a selection of the best of 2006.
  • To excavate the cutting south of Imberhorne Lane Bridge spoil trains operated on 240 days throughout the period June 2005 to December 2006 and transported in excess of 32,000 tons of spoil to Horsted - updated web page from Chris Dadson.

22 January:
Loco cleaner - Nick Talbot - 21 Jan 2007 21 January:

32473 with Maunsell coaches at Kingscote - Derek Hayward - 14 Jan 2007 17 January:

14 January:
13 January:
Eddystone with Santa Special - Tom Waghorn - 24 Dec 2006 11 January:

10 January:
9 January:
6 January:
5 January:
New Year Vintage Train - Derek Hayward - 1 Jan 2007 4 January:
  • More details now available of the weekend train and bus services on the Bluebell - the line is only open between Sheffield Park and Horsted Keynes. The 473 Bus works between East Grinstead Station and Horsted Keynes (and does not call at EG High Street or Kingscote).
  • The First Class compartments for the Victorian Picnic on Friday 15th June have sold out. Third-class compartments are still available. If anyone would be interested in booking for a party of up to 18, the GN Saloon could be added to the train for their exclusive use. Details here.
  • Update to the Introduction to the Carriage Fleet following the re-launch into service of three newly overhauled/restored carriages in the last two months.
  • The photo (from Derek Hayward) shows the Dukedog with the Second Vintage coach set on New Years Day.
  • Update from Gary Smith, showing the current positions in our fund-raising Football Competition.

3 January:
  • Important Note: Due to essential maintenance of power supply and air conditioning systems the Bluebell Railway web-site will be unavailable from 5pm on Friday 5th January to 9pm on Saturday 6th January. We ask you to bear with us while we work towards providing a more resilient service.
  • Updates to all the Golden Arrow pages, noting that Pullman Car Christine" has now joined the train.
  • Note from Jacqui Sparks added to the BRPS Members' pages, reporting on (and thanking helpers for) everyone's efforts on the recent Santa Specials.
  • A note to say that the Viewing Gallery in the Carriage & Wagon Workshops (south end of Platform 5 at Horsted Keynes) is once again open daily, now that the dust extraction plant from the woodworking machinery has been moved outside.
  • Update to the web page for SECR Birdcage brake coach No.3363, since we have now established that it was built at Ashford rather than in Birmingham, as had previously been thought!
  • New collection of photos taken on New Year's Day by Derek Hayward

New Year Vintage Train - Jon Bowers - 1 Jan 2007 1 January 2007:
  • The photo on the right from Jon Bowers shows the first Bluebell Railway train of 2007 heading north from Sheffield Park - the SECR 01 No.65 (110 years old) and six coaches ranging from 106 to 126 years old!
  • Details of fares and advance purchase discounts on Tickets for 2007 Special Events now available.
  • New Photo of the Month from Paul Pettitt, Eddystone, No 34028 passes Palmers cattle creep to start the climb up Freshfield bank with a Santa Special, plus photos of the O1 with the Victorian coaches.
  • Updates for the New Year to numerous pages.
  • Update to the mobile pages -
  • A reminder that next weekend's trains are restricted to Sheffield Park to Horsted Keynes. More details when available.

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