8 February
Fantastic news for the Bluebell tonight at the Heritage Railway Association's annual awards, and congratulations to the teams who fundraised for and built the new Brighton Atlantic 'Beachy Head' and reconstructed Pullman Car 54 (which includes modifications for wheelchair access for the first time on any British Pullman), and to all the donors and supporters who made these achievements possible.
The Atlantic won the Steam Railway Readers Award (right) and the Steam Locomotive Award (below left).
Car 54 took the Morgan Award for Rolling Stock Preservation (below right).
Photos (showing BRPS Chairman Roy Watts collecting each of the awards) with thanks to the HRA. Beachy Head ready to leave Sheffield Park (Peter Edwards, 15 September 2024), Pullman Car 54 freshly painted (Richard Salmon, 3 January 2024).

7 February
We are pleased to announce that Hudswell Clarke 'Austerity' No. 68067 will be visiting The Bluebell Railway as a guest locomotive at our 2025 Branch Line Gala, taking place between the 14th to 16th March, joining Ivatt Tank No. 41313 from the Isle Of Wight Steam Railway.
We extend our thanks to Locomotive Maintenance Services Ltd and The Great Central Railway for making No. 68067's participation possible. The gala timetable is currently being finalised and will be released soon.
See more details and ticket sales for this gala, here.
31 January
17-19 October - Giants of Steam - Note change of date
Get ready for an unforgettable celebration of steam at Giants of Steam 2025! This incredible event will shine a spotlight on the new chapter of railway preservation, highlighting impressive new-build steam locomotives.
The Bluebell Railway is delighted to announce that 60163 Tornado, 6880 Betton Grange and 2999 Lady of Legend will be our guest locomotives for this year's gala, running alongside our very own newly built locomotive, 32424 Beachy Head. We must thank the A1 Steam Locomotive Trust, The Betton Grange Society & The Great Western Society, Didcot, for allowing these engines to take part in our gala in October.
This event is aiming to be the biggest gathering of newly built standard gauge steam locomotives so far in preservation. An event not to be missed!
Giants of Steam 2025 marks an important event on the calendar not only for The Bluebell Railway but also for Railway 200, a celebration of 200 years of railway history. Don't miss this rare opportunity to witness these awe-inspiring locomotives in action, celebrating the past, present, and future of steam.
Further information, timetables and tickets will be issued in due course. Don't forget to mark the date in your diaries for the new date of OCTOBER 17-19.
Make sure you sign up for our weekly newsletter and keep an eye on our social media for any further updates on this exciting gala.
11 January
The January 2025 edition of Bluebell Times, issued yesterday, features:
- Beachy Head and Car 54 both nominated for prestigious Heritage Railway Association Awards - and you still have time to vote for either in the Steam Railway Award
- Tree on the line - All in a day's work for the Railway's staff tackling a winter of storms
- Ivatt 2MT 41313 announced as first visitor for Branch Line Weekend
- Join the 500+ Club and help keep Sir Archibald Sinclair in prime condition
- Make 2025 the year you start volunteering - we have a range of opportunities across the Railway
9 January

- We are delighted to announce that Ivatt Tank No. 41313 is our first visiting locomotive, from our friends at the Isle Of Wight Steam Railway, for our 2025 Branch Line Gala, 14-16 March!
Tickets, further guest announcements and timetables will be available shortly.
- Our contribution to Railway 200 Global Whistle-Up made a news feature on RTBF (Belgian TV) about the start of the Railway 2000 celebrations - it featured the Bluebell in some detail!
- View Keith Duke's photos from 1 January.
- With the track relaying in the tunnel having started on Monday this week, we are next open to the public over the February half term, when we also have ice skating with Bluebell on Ice, from 15 to 23 February.
- Two of Peter Edwards' photos from the wet 1 January are below. His first photo shows Stroudley "Terrier" 72 'Fenchurch' which was running shuttles with the LNWR Observation Car from Horsted Keynes up to the portal of the tunnel. The second shows SECR O1 No. 65 with its goods train, which ran between passenger services between Sheffield Park and Horsted Keynes. In spite of the weather, visitor numbers were good.

1 January 2025
2025 marks the 30th Anniversary of the first web pages about the Bluebell Railway
As we enter the Bluebell Railway's 65th Anniversary year, 30 years ago the Bluebell's first tentative steps were made towards use of the Internet.
Prepared by Richard Salmon, and hosted by Mark Dewell (who was to become the Heritage Railway Association's first Internet Officer) on his UK Heritage Railways web site, the Bluebell led the way in providing more than just the forthcoming year's timetable. Those first pages have been re-created here from what survived in an archive. In addition to the timetable and dates of operation, the pages provided details of how to get to the Bluebell, BRPS membership, a section about the Rolling Stock, Special events, and the ever-popular Santa Specials and Golden Arrow Pullman Dining services.
Later that year a rudimentary email-based "News from the Bluebell" service was started as well. The following year more web pages were provided, and in 1997 we opened our own web site, again edited by Richard Salmon, and hosted by Lewis Nodes.
This very "What's New" page is the successor of what's now one of the three longest running, continuously updated web logs (the origin of the Blog) on the entire Internet, and that entire log from 1997 to date is still available.
30 December 2024
The Sir Nigel Gresley Locomotive Trust held their Members' Day the weekend after our Giants of Steam Gala, and this video from Harnetty Railways covers the event.
Maxim Gamble also captured this photo of 60007 on the same day, 18 October 2024.
As part of the celebrations in 2025 of 200 years of train travel, we kick off at midday on 1 January by joining in The Railway 200 Global Whistle-Up, the first event in the Bluebell's participation in Railway 200.
If our timetable for our New Years Day Steam Up is running to plan, then 'Camelot' and 'Fenchurch' will be at Horsted Keynes at noon, 'Sir Archibald Sinclair' will be at Sheffield Park, and the SECR O1 will be en route to Horsted Keynes with a goods train.
In addition, the Southern Electric Traction Group, who look after the Bluebell-owned 4VEP unit 3417 'Gordon Pettitt' at Strawberry Hill Depot, plan to open the shutters there and sound the unit's horn at noon too.
Recent progress with the overhaul of Maunsell Q-class locomotive 541 is now available. The photo shows the new rear drag box in place on the tender frames (photo thanks to Melvyn Frohnsdorff).
The tender frames are being overhauled by Bluebell staff, volunteers and Maunsell Locomotive Society members at Sheffield Park, the Locomotive itself and the Boiler repairs at Leaky Finders in Devon, the loco and tender wheelsets have been to the South Devon Railway for tyre turning, and a new body for the tender is being constructed by the 4253 Group at the K&ESR.
We still need to raise more money to complete the overhaul, and donations can be made via the Bluebell Trust, with details here.
We also have a number of news updates from our Infrastructure team:
27 December
Report on Giants of Steam, October 2024
Our busiest gala for some years saw the crowds flock to see five large locos on an intensive timetable, with plenty that was new, in spite of just having one main visitor, Gresley A4 Pacific 60007 'Sir Nigel Gresley'.
Rob Howard's three photos here show the visitor, and BR Class 5 73082 'Camelot' on Friday 11 October.
As always in this What's New/Blog, click on the photos to see an enlargement.

6989 'Wightwick Hall', a "visiting" locomotive which has now been with us for over two years, was still popular with the crowds at Horsted Keynes, as seen in Julian Clark's photo on the Saturday of Giants of Steam.
The Great Northern Directors' Saloon, in LNER livery, made it back into service after extended maintenance earlier in the year, to run at Giants of Steam behind 'Sir Nigel Gresley'. Photo by Jemima White, 11 October.
YouTube videos from Giants of Steam, from:
- SatNavDan,
- BasicTrainContent,
- Chailey Stowe,
- E-an-e,
- Toby's Trains,
- TheModster,
- FrontLineSteam,
- Pico Railway Videos,
- TheSoutherner,
- Sharpthorne Steam, and
- Rob Howard.
Nick Gilliam's photo shows 32424 'Beachy Head' topping Freshfield Bank with the 2.15 service from Sheffield Park (formed of eight Victorian and Edwardian carriages) on the Friday.
This was the first gala appearance for our new-build Atlantic, 'Beachy Head'. David Cable's photo shows it approaching Horsted Keynes on Friday 11 October.
Peter Hollands' photo from the Friday shows 73082 'Camelot' and 34059 'Sir Archibald Sinclair' on Freshfield Bank. It was the latter's first gala appearance since completion of its recent overhaul.
Photo Galleries covering Giants of Steam, from:
David Cable's photo shows 'Sir Nigel Gresley' at the top of Freshfield Bank on the Friday. One feature of the gala was that all five locos were named locomotives.
David Cable's photo shows 'Sir Nigel Gresley' approaching Horsted Keynes on Friday 11 October.
'Sir Nigel Gresley' with the 1.30pm service from Sheffield Park, tops Freshfield Bank in this photo from Nick Gilliam from the Friday of Giants.
26 December
Bluebell Railway Event Dates for 2025
We now have the main Special Event dates for 2025, with just a few more still to be announced.
These are:
- 1 January - New Years Day Steam Up
- 14-16 March - Branch Line Gala
- 2 June to 2 July - Railway 200 (Education Phase)
- 28-29 June - Model Railway Weekend
- 19-20 July - Southern at War 'VE Day 80'
- Late July to early September - Railway 200 (Celebration Phase)
- 8-10 August - 65th Anniversary Gala
- 16-17 August - Music Festival
- 5-7 September - Diesel Gala
- 19-21 September - Beer Festival
- 17-19 October - Giants of Steam Note change of date

- David Cable's photo shows 'Beachy Head' at Horsted Keynes on a Jon Bowers' photo charter on 18 November. The newly built Brighton Atlantic locomotive is currently receiving maintenance work, which is mainly dealing with minor teething issues discovered during its highly successful Summer and Autumn in service.
- Over the coming few days we have our first ordinary public trains since last half term. From Saturday through to New Year's Eve we are running from Sheffield Park to Horsted Keynes, as the tunnel is currently closed for its rail to be replaced.
Then we have our New Years Day Steam Up, with four locomotives in steam, with some services running North of Horsted Keynes up to the tunnel mouth. Access by public transport is available via Metrobus Service 270 from East Grinstead and Haywards Heath.
Public services then resume for the February Half Term where, alongside our 'Kids for s Quid' special offer, we also have ice skating with Bluebell on Ice between 15 and 23 February.
- We are now taking bookings both for special Catering services, and Footplate Experience opportunities, for 2025 - full details here.
- We have had a very good Santa Special and SteamLights season, with just a few compartments available for some of the remaining Santa's SteamLights services (28-30 December).
The first photo below from Nick Gilliam shows 80151 leaving Horsted Keynes with the 6pm SteamLights service to Sheffield Park on 29 November. The second, from David Lilley, shows 'Camelot' with a Santa Special service on 8 December.

BR Standard 2MT 84030 Project: The latest (November 2024) newsletter is now available to download (as a pdf). If you missed the July issue, that's also available.
The end is in sight for the work on the bunker. All the external welding and quite a bit of the internal welding is now complete.
Other areas the team have been concentrating on are the access steps at the front, the cab and rear of the engine.
The photo shows the trial fitting of the bunker steps.
10 October

- This photo, from John Sandys, shows 'Beachy Head', one of five locos, being warmed through in preparation for the "Giants of Steam", which starts tomorrow. This is one of the photos from his
gallery from today.
Event Dates for 2025 - more to be confirmed too.
Make a note and keep these dates free in 2025! More details will follow in due course, as will further events to make up our gala/event programme for next year.
Look out for further news on what's taking place next year at The Bluebell Railway!
Three more photos, thanks to David Cable from the S&D-themed photo charter at the start of this week.
On the right we see 34059 'Sir Archibald Sinclair' with a local train, from Tuesday.
Two below, from Monday, show 34059 'Sir Archibald Sinclair' and 73082 running as 73087 'Linette'.

8 October

- LNER A4 No. 60007 'Sir Nigel Gresley' has arrived! Here we see it as it passes onto Bluebell metals at East Grinstead, in advance of its appearance at "Giants of Steam" over the coming weekend.
See also this video showing 'Sir Nigel Gresley' on its way down to the Bluebell today.
Full details are available here for the "Giants of Steam" Gala which starts on Friday. In addition to 60007, it's also the first appearance at Giants of Steam of the new-built 'Beachy Head' and of 'Sir Archibald Sinclair' since its recent overhaul. The other two locomotives running are 'Camelot' and 'Wightwick Hall', so it's an "all namer" event this year.
- The photo here, by John Sandys, taken on Saturday this week, shows the GN saloon back in service (on a private charter) after an extended period under maintenance this spring and summer. The saloon will be operating in public service for the first time this year behind 'Sir Nigel Gresley' on each of the three days at Giants, with a single-journey supplement of £7 covering unlimited tea/coffee and either a toasted teacake or a scone.
- Following our limited preview of the Diesel Gala, we are delighted to announce that the Bluebell Railway are now part of the growing Railcam UK family.
The eagle-eyed of you may have already spotted the early stages of this partnership, but now we can officially announce that not only are our existing seven cameras now part of the Railcam network, but we have added an additional three at Horsted Keynes, giving us a total of 10 webcams across 5 locations at our railway.

- On Sunday our newly reconstructed 'Beachy Head' Atlantic locomotive was re-united briefly with its original smokebox numberplate and one of its original nameplates, as seen in the photo on the left.
- Video from The Southerner covering the incoming railtour and beer festival, on Saturday 21 September.
- Videos from Dan Gosling: A short one of Beachy Head at the Brighton Works Weekend, and one of a ride behind 'Beachy Head' from Sheffield Park to Horsted Keynes on 26 August.
- John Sandys' photos and videos from 26 September, and also from Friday 4, from Saturday 5 and Sunday 6th when there was a visit from The Gruffalo, and a Rolls Royce/ Bentley meet-up.
- Update to the Wagon Stock List, with Dogfish ballast hopper wagon BD993217 now moved to the "Wagons which are no longer at the Bluebell Railway" section, since it has been sold, and has moved to the Llanelli & Mynydd Mawr Railway.
- Monday and today have seen photo charters, featuring 34059 'Sir Archibald Sinclair' and 73087 'Linette' (aka 'Camelot') with an 8-coach train led by a pair of Bulleid coaches, and also using a couple of our restored Southern parcels vans, creating scenes reminiscent of the Somerset and Dorset line. The first photo below is thanks to Nick Gilliam, and the second, Dave Clarke.

19 September

- Peter Edwards' photo from Sunday 15 September shows 'Beachy Head' ready to leave Sheffield Park with the 2.15pm train for East Grinstead, in place of the rostered Standard 4 Tank 80151. 'Beachy Head' was in action alongside Camelot and SECR No. 65.
The carriages included the SECR Hundred seater and the LBSCR Bogie First with three of the 4-wheelers.
- The newly-built locomotive has been in action also for a wedding special, and should be running again tomorrow, alongside visiting 33111 on the first day of our annual Beer Festival.
- Full details of this weekend's Beer Festival (20-22 September) - including the timetables, and also bus links to enable you to get to and from the railway.
- Available for £5, our 2024 beer festival glasses are now in stock and available to purchase: pre-order yours and collect them on the day when you visit us this weekend; they will also be available to purchase on the day of your visit until stocks run out.

- The photo here shows newly restored early Mk.I TSO 4754, with 73082 'Camelot', at Sheffield Park earlier today.
- More videos from the Diesel Gala:
- Pullman Car 'Carina' has now left the Bluebell. It was rendered surplus by our decision to convert a Mk.I BG as a kitchen car, rather than adding a second relatively cramped kitchen to our train within a very expensive to restore/maintain Pullman vehicle. As reported here it has gone for restoration at the Churnet Valley Railway. To re-iterate our Pullman strategy, going forward, this is to replace the LMS BGZ within the train by the BG, and then add a fourth Pullman to the train, 'Car 36'
This News Update from the Bulleid Society released yesterday shows recent work on both 'Blackmore Vale' and LSWR B4 'Normandy'.
8 September

- Jack Lamb's photo shows the arrival at Horsted Keynes of BR Class 37 D6851 'Flopsie' leading BR Class 423 4VEP No. 3417 'Gordon Pettitt', which it had collected from Strawberry Hill on its way down from Crewe, in torrential rain on Thursday.
- Video which was live-streamed from 4Vep 3417 'Gordon Pettitt' during its journey down from Strawberry Hill last Thursday. This was a UK first, to livestream from a train on Network Rail, achieved using multiple sim cards to ensure the best possible continuity of connection.
- Also see this video at Strawberry Hill station from Claire Twine.
- Below we see E6040 'The Bluebell Railway' passing the VEP at Kingscote on Friday (Jack Lamb).
This was the first service use of the Class 73 on the Bluebell, having been passed fit for traffic on Thursday. It was also the first time passengers have been able to travel in Bluebell-owned 3417 since 2013, following its restoration by the SETG (Southern Electric Traction Group), which is on-going with the aim of eventually being able to carry passengers again on the main line - fundraising for which is also on-going - donate via the Bluebell Railway Trust, to enable Gift Aid to be claimed - you can make a single or a regular donation here - and then select "Other Funds" from the drop-down menu and enter "VEP 3417" in the comments box.
- The Bluebell Diesel Gala concludes today - full details here.
- Photos and videos so far from the Diesel Gala:
2 September

- We are gearing up for this weekend's Diesel Gala (which starts on Friday) - details here - not only are there four visiting diesel locomotives, and two Bluebell-based diesels as well. This is also the first opportunity to travel in the Bluebell-owned 4 Vep unit 3417 'Gordon Pettitt' for over a decade, follwing it's major refurnishment in the hands of SETG.
- The timetable has also now been published for our Giants of Steam Gala (11-13 October). 60007 'Sir Nigel Gresley' is visiting us for the first time, and it'll also be the first GoS appearances for our new-build 32424 'Beachy Head' and our freshly overhauled Bulleid Pacific 34059 'Sir Archibald Sinclair'. Completing the line-up are 73082 'Camelot' and 6989 'Wightwick Hall'.
25 August
Summer Fun-Fair
Open daily until 1 September, The Bluebell Railway has a fantastic funfair and rides at both Horsted Keynes & Sheffield Park, courtesy of L&L Leisure! There's something for everyone to enjoy, from big inflatables, a carousel, candy floss, sweet stands and much more. Prices are £15 for kids but adults go free!
Come along and enjoy a fun day out with a difference and mix all the fun of the fair with a train ride along the picturesque Sussex countryside that our railway runs through! Park up at Horsted Keynes and enjoy heading back to the golden age of steam.
Further details here!
23 August
- First public services hauled by our new-built locomotive, 'Beachy Head'.
Today saw our other trains hauled by Terrier 72 'Fenchurch' and Bulleid Pacific 34059 'Sir Archibald Sinclair'. For the Bank Holiday weekend we have a "Brighton Works Weekend" as these Brighton-built locomotives are joined by BR Standard Tank 80151. This locomotive is the newest surviving locomotive built at Brighton Works, and 72 is the oldest surviving locomotive built there, all very appropriate running alongside the Bluebell-built replica of the Brighton Atlantic, 'Beachy Head'.
- Today's events feature in this ITV report, and also on the BBC Website.
- See this video from today from Sixpenny Films.
- Nick Gilliam's photo shows 32424 passing Three Arch bridge with the 5.35 crew familiarisation run from Sheffield Park on Sunday 18 August.
- There are also more videos from the launch/handover event last Sunday: from TheSoutherner and from Chailey Stowe.
Timetables for Beachy Head and Brighton Galas
Please note that amended timetables have been published (access via the following links) for:
Note in particular that many of 34242's runs are shown as non-stop between Sheffield Park and East Grinstead - the '/' in the time indicates this.
Note also that there is wheelchair accessible accommodation on set C as well as A.
22 August

- Everything is set and ready to go. Tomorrow, 'Beachy Head' will haul its first ever public service trains on The Bluebell Railway.
We look forward to welcoming you all to celebrate its entry into service. 'Beachy Head' will be hauling trains every day from tomorrow through to Sunday 1 September.
More details can be found here.
- Nick Gilliam's photo above shows 32424 as it climbs Freshfield Bank with the 2.45 Special handover Pullman train from Sheffield Park on 18 August.
- The photos below, taken the same day, show the blessing of the locomotive in front of invited guests by the Bluebell's Chaplain, The Reverend David Murdoch, and the locomotive ready to leave Sheffield Park at the head of the Pullman train.
- Neil Munro-Thomson also provides this gallery of photos from that day.
- There will be guided Tours of the Carriage & Wagon Works at Horsted Keynes on Saturday, Sunday and Monday, and the Carriage Shop at the South End of Platform 5 is open as follows:
Friday 23 August 10.30am - 4.30pm
Saturday 24 August 10am - 5pm
Sunday 25 August 10am - 4.30pm
Monday 26 August 10am - 4.30pm
The shop has a wide selection of items including Railway Art by Matthew Cousins, Railway and Transport books, Model Railway locos, coaches and wagons, Model buses, Thomas & Friends books and toys, and Horsted Keynes exclusive souvenirs.

15 August
The August 2024 edition of Bluebell Times, issued last week, features:
- BRPS Chairman's update from Roy Watts
- All geared up for Beachy Head's launch
- Update on overhaul progress on Q class No 541 and 2MT No 84030
- Help is needed to manage the legacies to the Bluebell Railway Trust
- Bob Pamment is the Railway's new Rolling Stock Director
- More photos from the Museum archive
This video, Welcoming Britain's Newest Steam Locomotive, has just been released.
The wait is almost over before we officially welcome H2 Marsh Atlantic 32424 'Beachy Head', nearing the end of a project over 30 years in the making!
We welcomed the filming team from the Watercress Line Film Unit to the Railway who helped produce this short video, looking around this incredible locomotive.
Don't miss out and join us in celebrating the launch of 'Beachy Head' between 23 August and 1 September at our Railway. This also includes our 'Brighton Works' weekend gala from 24 to 26 August.
Book your tickets here for the launch event.
Before then, at 11.45am on Sunday 18 August the formal handover ceremony will take place, as the care of the locomotive passes from the team who have created it to the Railway's Locomotive Operations Department. It will then haul a celebratory Pullman dining train for those heavily involved over the years with the project, and major financial supporters.
Finally, on 5 October, all other registered supporters of the Atlantic project have been invited for a day for them to travel behind the locomotive.

12 June
- Graham Lugsdin's photo taken last Friday shows the concentration on the faces of those on the footplate of 'Camelot' as they prepare for a shunt move at Sheffield Park.
- This Saturday is the BRPS Members' Day and AGM, so in addition to our normal timetabled trains, there is an extra morning train (timetable here) to get visitors to Sheffield Park in time for the 12-noon relaunch ceremony for 34059 'Sir Archibald Sinclair', and evening trains - leaving for East Grinstead after the AGM, at 6.45pm and at 9.00pm in conjunction with the volunteers, staff and members social evening.
32424 'Beachy Head' - Coming in August 2024
The Bluebell Railway is proud to announce the highly anticipated launch of the new build LB&SCR Marsh Brighton Atlantic 32424 'Beachy Head'. This major milestone in railway preservation will be celebrated with a launch into traffic over the August Bank Holiday, with a launch event running from 23 August to 1 September, marking an extraordinary achievement in railway preservation and engineering.
Tickets and further details will be released imminently so watch this space!
Jack Lamb's photo below, taken last Friday, shows 'Beachy Head' in steam at Sheffield Park.

The scale of this achievement, and its importance to the history of the Bluebell line, can be judged from an article covering the potential for rescuing locomotives, and the problem of having to prioritise securing the line on which to accommodate them over spending any money on acquisitions, on Page 7 of the second issue of the BRPS Journal, Bluebell News (December 1959), in it was stated "As each week goes by, more interesting pre-grouping classes become extinct - the loss of the last Brighton Atlantic was an irreparable catastrophe...".
Of course the locomotive had been scrapped more than 6 months before the Bluebell's launch meeting in March 1959.
So may I, as editor of this web page, add my personal words of congratulations to the Atlantic team for their dedication in having reversed, in considerable style, that supposed "irreparable catastrophe".
- Dinosaur Weekend At The Bluebell Railway
Join us at The Bluebell Railway for an epic adventure with dinosaurs of all shapes and sizes at Sheffield Park, at East Grinstead, and on our Set A trains with our Timetable C service this weekend!
Don't forget this event is FREE for all travel ticket holders - and kids travel for just £1 with any fare-paying adult.
Bring the family for a roaring good time with prehistoric giants and timeless steam trains. Don't miss out!

- Road Steam passes Sheffield Park
An added bonus today at Sheffield Park came in the form of Mclaren 8NHP No 1713 of 1922 "General French" hauling, on the trailer, the boiler to Bulleid "Merchant Navy" No. 35025 'Brocklebank Line' (on loan from Southern Locomotives Ltd).
This special pairing was on their way to this weekend's High Weald Working Steam Weekend and took a break outside Sheffield Park station before heading onwards to Pippingford Park, as seen in the photo here.
9 June

- In the above photo No. 80151 prepares to set off from Horsted Keynes with the final leg of the Golden Arrow Pullman Luncheon Train on Sunday 2 June. Behind the locomotive is newly restored Pullman Car 54, the restoration of which is featured in a major 8-page article in the latest edition of Trackside magazine. (Photo: Richard Salmon)
- Meanwhile, the current issue of Heritage Railway magazine has a great write-up of our GWR-themed Branch Line Gala.
- The Bluebell Railway Goods Division has announced, in partnership with The Wagon Yard, a new exclusive wagon made by Rapido Trains UK of the BR Diagram 1/801 Fish Van, with Southern region markings denoting the van should not run on the limited clearance Hastings line between Tonbridge and Battle.
The OO-scale model, numbered as the Bluebell's own fish van E87720, is available to pre-order now from the Bluebell Goods Division's online shop for release later this year.
Land Rover Day - 23 June 2024
Mark your calendar for Land Rover Day on Sunday, June 23rd! Come join fellow enthusiasts at Horsted Keynes for an informal showcase of Land Rovers, spanning from 1948 models to today's.
Land Rover owners who attend will enjoy discounted travel, and our special 'Kids for a Quid' offer will also be in place for train travel on this day. Don't miss this fun-filled day!
7 June
32424 'Beachy Head' moves for the first time!
An incredible moment for everyone involved at The Bluebell Railway. Yesterday our new-build Brighton H2 Atlantic 'Beachy Head' passed its boiler test at Sheffield Park and made its first movements around the yard as seen in this video. The photo, taken today, shows the loco (which has yet to receive its final paint and lining on the boiler barrel) as it made further tentative test moves around the station.
Further news will be shared in due course regarding 32424, however further testing is required before the locomotive can enter service.
Congratulations to everyone involved in making this a reality and a huge thank you to Neil Glaskin for sharing this video and photo with us!
- Last weekend was our revived "Southern at War" event. Photos and videos of the event are available from Brian Dandridge (Sunday's Spitfire Display), John Sandys from the Saturday, and Richard Salmon, also featuring the Spitfire display as well as other elements of the event, from the Sunday.
- John Sandys visited the railway today, and provides these photos and videos.
- The AGM document pack has been revised with corrected election statements.
 The inaugural (March 2024) issue of the SR Coach Group newsletter is now available for everyone to view on-line. SRCG members receive two newsletters per year, by email, in March and September. The aim is for each issue to contain a mix of current project news and historical articles. If you enjoy reading this first issue, please consider joining the SRCG to support our work, and you'll receive future editions direct to your inbox at the time they are published (they will only appear online some time later).
If you have joined the group, but haven't received newsletters and other communications by email, please do get in touch through the details at the bottom of the page here, since not all members' emails may yet made it onto the distribution list.
31 May
Press Release announcing the date for the rededication and re-launch of 34059 'Sir Archibald Sinclair', which will take place on 15 June at Sheffield Park Station.
- Bluebell Railway Preservation Society AGM and Members' Day
Sheffield Park Station, Saturday 15th June 2024.
The BRPS AGM documents are in the post but are published as a BRPS Members' Notice as a backup and for the benefit of members, especially those overseas.
It also includes details of the Members' Day events taking place around the Railway, and an evening social at Sheffield Park after the meeting.
Confirmation of third visitor for Diesel Gala - Crompton 'Bagpipe' No. 33111 is visiting us for the September 6-8 Diesel Gala, with thanks to the Swanage Railway and The Class 33/1 Preservation Co.
- Reminder that our Southern at War Weekend starts tomorrow, 1 June.

26 May
- John Sandy's photo from yesterday shows how well the vegetation in Imberhorne cutting has grown. More of his recent photos and videos are available in the following albums:
From his visit on Friday 17 May,
from the first day of the Road Meets Rail event,
from this Friday,
and from yesterday, showing in particular the cutting, and the lovingly tended flowers at Kingscote Station.
- Keith Duke's photos from the first day of Road meets Rail.
- Kernow Model Railway Centre have announced a range of LB&SCR-designed wagons in OO-scale, including "Open A" LB&SCR 3342 (with raised ends, as rebuilt back to original LB&SCR condition by the Bluebell in 1975, and still part of our fleet), and SR 27730 (an SR-built version without the raised ends) which was initially preserved by the Bluebell, but which we passed on to the Isle of Wight Steam Railway where it has been rebuilt back to the condition it was in when it ran on the island back in SR days.
- In addition the Bluebell Shop has supplies of the new EFE LSWR O2-class models, also in OO scale.
- The Bluebell Carriage Shop at Horsted Keynes has a very few remaining of its commissioned G. Newington & Co. of Lewes 5-Plank Wagon which has been produced exclusively for us by Rapido. They are only available directly from the Shop, in the Platform 5 dock at Horsted Keynes.
The limited edition run of 100 comes with a numbered certificate and all profits from the sale of this model are being donated to the Bluebell Railway Goods Division.
The Station goods records for the winter of 1899-1900 (which survived in the loft at Sheffield Park Station) show that three of their wagons were unloaded at Sheffield Park between November 1899 and January 1900.
The Latest News from the Bulleid Society includes the news that dismantling for the forthcoming overhaul of 21C123 'Blackmoor Vale' has commenced. This will be a long project, with the loco's boiler and new firebox dispatched to a contractor at some point, whilst the chassis and tender are overhauled at Sheffield Park.
There are also photos of progress on 'Sir Archibald Sinclair', the lettering, lining and varnishing of which have been completed, enabling a formal re-launch into service (on a date still to be announced) in the next few weeks.
Andy Kelly's photo here shows it having just left the paint shop at Horsted Keynes on Monday.
- Further drawings from The Engineer during 1873 relating to Stroudley Terrier 'Fenchurch' have been added to the page containing interesting snippets from the history of our oldest locomotive. There are also details on that page of two drawings from 1873 which are not currently available, and anyone who might have access to those is invited to get in touch.
- The photo here shows 80151 running as our so-far unrestored 80100 at the Branch Line Weekend.
- Further coverage of the Branch Line Weekend Gala is provided in this video from Jamie Ringwood ,
this from Derek Spicer,
and this video from the Sunday from Toby's Trains.
In addition there are photos from Dave Bowles, from the Friday and the Saturday.
- Southern At War - 1 & 2 June
The return of our 1940s weekend at the Railway promises to be an event not to be missed. See what we have lined up throughout the event, with lots of exhibitors, re-enactors, displays and stalls, in addition to a Spitfire flying display (availability and weather permitting) thanks to the Spitfire Academy at Goodwood!
Grab your advance tickets today and be part of our 1940s event next weekend.
More details available here.
15 May
- Road Meets Rail - Saturday 18 & Sunday 19 May 2024
Hard on the heels of last weekend's great Branch Line Weekend, we have our next event, and it's always a great one, with road-based steam performing at Horsted Keynes, with steam powered demonstrations and vintage fairground fun!
Traction engines, road rollers, steam wagons, showman's engines, crane engines and more... bringing Horsted Keynes station to life with recreations of a bygone age.
See how road building, wood sawing, timber haulage and thrashing were carried out in the early 1900s. Watch as steam wagons and pantechnicons arrive with goods to be unloaded for onward rail transport and larger loads are craned into wagons.
Experience vintage fairground rides, enjoy an ice cream and watch miniature steam displays in the paddock, with a fabulous view of the passenger trains passing by.
On Saturday evening, we will be hosting live music, food and drink at Horsted Keynes after the event on this day. Everyone is welcome to this event so come along, wind down and enjoy the evening with us!
More information is available here, along with the weekend's timetable and event guide.
- Nick Gilliam's photo shows Pannier Tank 7714 as it passes Birchstone bridge with the 12.45 from East Grinstead on Saturday.
- We have a good number of photos and videos notified to us. Here's a selection:
- Keith Duke's photos from Friday
- Video from Saturday by Matthew Edwards-Causer
- Photos and a video from Chris Ward.
- Ashley Smith's video from the weekend.
- "Joe Light Railway" provides this video from Sunday
- Video from Chailey Stowe
- A video featuring Saturday evening's Goods Train from Richard Salmon.
- This video from "Spacebunny" includes shed scenes and other interesting footage from Saturday.
- Ben Jenden's videos from Saturday and Sunday.
- The film "The Invisible Woman" is currently available on BBC iPlayer. The section filmed on the Bluebell Railway, covering the Staplehurst crash in which Charles Dickens was involved, can be found starting at 1:23:47
Update on work on the Q-class locomotive.
- More information about the Paving The Way Appeal including different ways to donate.
- See information about the roles of plc Chairman (non-exec), Carriage & Wagon Director, and Commercial Director which we're currently advertising.
- Nick Gilliam's photos below show 7812 passing Three Arch bridge with the 10.15 service from Sheffield Park on Saturday, and 'Fenchurch' passing Town Place Farm with the 11.35 from Horsted Keynes on Sunday.

11 May
- Rob Howard's photo from today shows 1369 at Rock Cutting with the Victorian carriage set - this event marks the return to service of 1880-built LB&SCR First 661 for the first time since the pandemic, and the first two Metropolitans returned to service after fitting them with new door locks (replacing the worn originals which were becoming hard to maintain).
- Our Branch Line Gala concludes tomorrow, with more action from the four Great Western engines, alongside three from our home fleet.
- Below are two more of Rob's photos, showing 'Erlstoke Manor' at Town Place Bridge, and the oldest and newest surviving locomotives built at Brighton Works together at Rock Cutting. 80151 is running as 80100 this weekend.

- Richard Salmon's photo shows 'Wightwick Hall' passing through Horsted Keynes with the goods train this evening; this was the first time a goods train had operated right through to East Grinstead at one of our special events since our extension opened. On the return journey there was a locomotive swap at Kingscote which saw 1369 take over the train which was to be shunted into the down yard at Horsted Keynes, which is inaccessible to the Hall, due to restricted platform edge clearances in platforms 4/5.
- Videos covering lineside action from yesterday at our Branch Line Gala from Thomas Shrimpton and James McLeish.
- Please note that the earlier advertising of the Brake Van Rides tomorrow as being hauled by our resident Class 73 Electro-diesel was incorrect, since that locomotive is currently under maintenance. Instead, 80151/80100 will give footplate visits and rides from the Dock on Platform 2 at Sheffield Park, before hauling the 4pm service to East Grinstead and back.
10 May
The May 2024 edition of Bluebell Times features:
- Help us in "Paving The Way" by sponsoring new platform coping stones for Horsted Keynes
- Car 54 enters service - with the help of GB Paralympic athlete Fabienne André
- The Plc board needs you - we have volunteer board vacancies for Chairman, Commercial Director and Carriage & Wagon Director
- The Branch Line Society visits - and their special train traverses (nearly) every inch of track on the Railway!
- The carriage shop is back in business in its new location
- Can we help you ensure the preservation of a historic photographic archive?
- John Sandys photos from the first day of the Branch Line Gala
 - Help Horsted Keynes with the 'Paving The Way Appeal'!
The Bluebell Railway needs your help! Platform 1 at Horsted Keynes needs a significant restoration. From rebuilding the platform wall to replacing the deteriorating platform edging, the work is indeed tasking but rewarding. The Bluebell Railway Trust has been instrumental in supporting us, especially with the funding. The charming 140-year-old coping stones adorning our platforms are nearing their end. Their century-long service has left them cracked, brittle, and worn out, especially the ones on Platform 1.
We initially considered replacing only the damaged stones, but this would lead to a mismatched mixture of old and new stones. So, we're choosing to replace all the stones on Platform 1. This doesn't mean the older stones go to waste; many are still usable and will serve in future repairs. Finding suitable replacements wasn't easy, but we're set to replace the 150-metre platform with 180 new stones. A restoration of this magnitude requires financial support. The total cost is estimated to be £26,000, with each stone (made from a modern composite stone material, but having the texture and form of the originals) costing £115. We're inviting members and friends to 'buy' a stone for £115.
These purchases are essentially donations, eligible for Gift Aid claims. We're also offering to number each stone and honour donors on an 'Honours Board', keeping donors' details confidential if they wish. We're grateful for an early donation covering 20 stones, and we're optimistic about exceeding our target, so any surplus from this appeal will be applied to further work required on Platform 1. Let's bring Platform 1 back to its glory together.
Please support us and donate towards the project.
9 May

All set for our Branch Line Gala
Brian Dandridge's photos show 'Erlstoke Manor' ready for a test run to East Grinstead, together with SECR 65 at Sheffield Park, and 7714 on shed with 72 'Fenchurch'.
For this weekend only, 80151 is running as 80100.
Full details of all the weekend's activities are here.
The weekend's timetables are available to download here:
Friday 10 May,
Saturday 11 May, and
Sunday 12 May.
A special gala weekend booklet is available. Complete with loco listings, map, future events and a gala timetable insert when you purchase one, they will be available for £2 at all our stations throughout the event.
8 May

- The two visiting Pannier tanks, Nos. 7714 (from the Severn Valley Railway) and 1369 (from the South Devon Railway) have both arrived, and are seen here at Sheffield Park today, ahead of our Branch Line Gala Weekend which starts on Friday. This means all four of the GWR locomotives are now ready to work alongside three locomotives from our home fleet, to provide a great weekend of steam, with 5 coaching sets in operation, including Victorian, Edwardian, and Southern Railway carriages. There will be lots going on at Horsted Keynes in particular, where some trains will terminate or re-start, providing shuttles heading both North and South, a variety of stalls, guided tours of the Carriage Works, and (on the Sunday) Brake Van rides behind our new Class 73 locomotive [N.B. this information was incorrect since the 73 is under maintenance]. A goods train will also operate on the Saturday.
Full information is available on the four visiting locomotives here.
- Warning - M25 planned closure this coming weekend
Advance notice to anyone heading to our railway by car, and those who might be intending to use the M25 this weekend to visit our gala, please be aware of the planned closure between Junctions 9 & 10 in both directions between Friday 10 and Monday 13 May.
For further information, please see the National Highways website.
- Dave Bowles' photos from the Friday of the SVR Spring Gala, featuring 'Fenchurch' in particular.
- Class 14 D9551 to attend the 2024 Bluebell Diesel Gala!
Fast on the heels of our announcement of the Bluebell Diesel Gala in September and our first visiting locomotive, Class 20 D8188 from The Watercress Line, we are delighted to announce Class 14 D9551 as an exciting addition to our gala lineup!
Our thanks must be extended to the SVR Class 14 Company Ltd and The Severn Valley Railway for allowing this locomotive to participate in our gala.
We will let you know of any more visitors and gala news when we can. Keep an eye out on our social media channels and the event's web page to find out more!
4 May
- Branch Line Gala Weekend - 10-12 May!
We are extremely excited to bring you our Branch Line Gala Weekend next week, we can't believe it's only a week away!
Join us to see visiting locomotives 7714, 1369 and 7812 'Erlestoke Manor' operate an intensive timetable throughout the 3-day event alongside our home fleet of locomotives.
Book now and save money with your gala ticket today!
2 May
- Wightwick Hall departs from Sheffield Park; the lineside Bluebells are superb this year! Photo thanks to Rob Howard, who made good use of his Lineside Photo Permit on 21 April.
- For the best view of the linside Bluebells, why not travel in our unique LNWR observation coach, No. 1503, which is attached to our normal service trains on 3 - 6 May (subject to availability).
No pre-booking is required, come along and upgrade your ticket at the ticket office when you arrive at the railway!
The Observation Car is on the 10:45 and 2:15 departures from Sheffield Park on 3 May, and on the 10:30, 1:00 and 3:30 services on 4, 5 & 6 May.
Our Diesel Gala returns this year, and will take place 6-8 September.
Class 20 No. D8188 is our first visiting locomotive announced for the gala! Our thanks to Somerset & Dorset Locomotive Ltd and The Watercress Line for allowing this loco to take part in our event.
Look out for further details and other guest announcements in due course!
1 May 
We are pleased to report, as per the photo here, that 7812 'Erlestoke Manor' has arrived at the Bluebell Railway today as one of four GWR locomotives which will be running at our forthcoming Branch Line Gala Weekend, taking place on Friday 10 to Sunday 12 May.
See timetables, discounted advance bookings, and full details here.
This visit is being made thanks to the Erlstoke Manor Fund and the Severn Valley Railway.
Join us for a Special Pie & Mash Service on 10 May, featuring guest locomotive 7812 'Erlestoke Manor'.
Book now to travel behind this fantastic locomotive on this special evening service.
30 April 
- Family Fun Activities coming up in May:
Looking ahead to the next few weeks, we have some fantastic family activities to come at our railway throughout May.
From Stormtroopers Day ("May the 4th"), A Magician on our trains (6 May), Circus Skills and Sparkle Day, there's plenty to look forward to for all the family to enjoy!
Find out more details of all these events and our Kids for a Quid offer, here. And don't forget Trainmaster day (see below) on 5 May.
Please note: Kingscote station has no parking facilities and access is via rail travel only.
- Photos and videos from his visit on 13 April from
James Green.
- Trains Running this week:
Here's a list of our services running this week at the railway:
Timetable A (Wednesday to Friday)
10:45 & 2:15 Departures from Sheffield Park
11:45 & 3:15 Departures from East Grinstead.
Timetable C (Saturday to Monday)
10:30, 11:45, 1:00, 2:15 & 3:30 Departures from Sheffield Park
11:30, 12:45, 2:00, 3:15 & 4:30 Departures from EastGrinstead.
Book advance travel tickets and save money.

1913-built GWR "Toad" brake van No. 17908
This vehicle is being advertised FOR SALE.
Deemed too "off region" for the collection and offered for disposal into further preservation only. The brake van will not be scrapped.
See more information about the vehicle and its history, here.
To register an interest in its purchase, which will probably be by tender due to the significant interest already generated, please contact Richard Salmon.
Photo by Nigel Longdon, August 2022
29 April
Next Sunday the Bluebell Railway welcomes back Trainmaster Sussex to bring the train fun indoors!
Ride and play with an array of train sets at Sheffield Park Station in the Birch Grove Suite. Selection of cakes and bakes, hot and cold drinks will be available at the bar.
Please note the Birch Grove Suite is located upstairs, above the platform's Bessemer Arms Restaurant.
Running Times: 10:30am - 11:45am | 12:30pm - 1:45pm | 2pm - 3:15pm.
Price: £8.50 per person
Find out more here, and book your tickets!
27 April

26 April
- Flashback to 34 years ago: Southern Railway Schools-class locomotive 928 'Stowe' approaches Horsted Keynes in April 1990 (photo by Richard Salmon). This locomotive, one of the gems of Bluebell's fleet, which sadly has not run since its boiler certificate expired later that year, is currently under overhaul. It is now owned by the Maunsell Locomotive Society, and whilst most of the mechanical work has been completed at Sheffield Park, the boiler-work is being undertaken by contractors off-site, and the cylinders are currently being re-bored at Quainton Road.
- We have steam trains running to Timetable A today, to Timetable C on Saturday and to Timetable D on Sunday.
- We have our Toy and Rail Collectors' Fair at Horsted Keynes Station, from 10am to 4pm on Sunday 28 April.
Admission to this event is free with any Bluebell Railway travel ticket valid for the day. Alternatively, you can buy a Horsted Keynes Station admission ticket for £5.00 per person on the day for admission to the fair only. Don't miss out on this exciting event!
You can find out more here.
- On Saturday 27 April we have a Falconry event at Horsted Keynes, showcasing a variety of species and sizes of falcons. After an enlightening talk, you'll even get the opportunity to hold these magnificent creatures on a special glove, guided by our knowledgeable falconers. Sessions are at 11am, 12:30pm, 1:30pm and 3pm - each session will last 30 minutes.
- Our Kids for a Quid special offer applies to travel on both days this weekend.
- Wednesday saw the official launch of Pullman Parlour Brake Car No. 54, with its specially adapted wheelchair lift and space. Team GB Paralympian Fabienne André cut the ribbon and proceeded to board via the lift, as did two further guests from the MS Society. Also present were local dignataries and other guests. (Photos below from Colin Tyson and Richard Salmon).

21 April
- Kevin McElhone's photo from Friday shows 'Fenchurch' at the SVR Gala approaching Hampton Loade.
- Photos and videos from John Sandys' short visit to the Bluebell today which includes the Hall and 'Camelot' on the service trains, the 09 on footplate experience duties, and the SE&CR O1 on the Golden Arrow Pullman Luncheon Train.
- Two further photos, below, taken by David Cable on Friday at the SVR Spring Gala feature 'Fenchurch', which is seen on Eardington Bank and at Crossing Cottage.

Road Meets Rail 2024 - four weeks to go!
We are fast approaching our Road Meets Rail event at Horsted Keynes on the weekend of the 18-19 May.
One of the highlights of the Bluebell Railway's year, and an event that's got lots of different attractions compared to a straight-forward gala, it's something that you won't want to miss as the station is transformed into a vibrant and colourful hub of steam, both on and off the rails, throughout the weekend.
Make sure you join us and grab your advance tickets for this exciting event today.
19 April

16 April
- Our 1872-built Stroudley Terrier 'Fenchurch' is seen here on the low loader at Sheffield Park yesterday, ready for its trip to the Severn Valley Railway to take part and star in their Spring Steam Gala weekend.
- We have steam trains running to Timetable A this week on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, and Timetable C on Saturday and Sunday.
- Get ready to immerse yourself in the world of toys and model railways at The Toy and Rail Collectors' Fair, on Sunday 28 April at Horsted Keynes Station, from 10am to 4pm.
Admission to this event is free with any Bluebell Railway travel ticket valid for the day. Alternatively, you can buy a Horsted Keynes Station admission ticket for £5.00 per person on the day for admission to the fair only. Don't miss out on this exciting event!
You can find out more here.
The Bulleid Society have updated their News Page with a selection of pictures, taken by John Fry, showing the progress in the painting of 34059 'Sir Archibald Sinclair', with the work being done under contract by Ralph Timmins, at Horsted Keynes, as also seen here (in undercoat).
- Murder Mystery Evenings At The Bluebell Railway - Book Now!
Witness the murder, then steam through the Sussex countryside while enjoying a 3-course meal and solving the heinous crime!
Embark on an unforgettable journey where mystery and fine dining intertwine, presenting you with an experience like no other - a murder mystery dinner aboard a steam train, thanks to The Company Upfront team & The Bluebell Railway!
Dates are now available for our "Murder, Rattle & Roll" evenings in April through to July. Find out more, or book now!
- On Sunday 21 April you are invited to Sheffield Park Station, where we have organized a special free exhibition of Jaguar cars! This is an opportunity to make your railway visit truly unforgettable, as you'll have the chance to admire a stunning collection of Jaguars as part of your visit.

13 April
The April 2024 edition of Bluebell Times features:
- Update from BRPS Acting Chairman, Roy Watts
- Society AGM (15 June 2024) - nominations
- Long Service Awards 2024
- HRA Privilege Cards
- Q Class 541 Overhaul Update
- Progress on SR Coach Group Projects
- Car No. 54 Enters Traffic
- Goods Division - Before and After
- Fordson E83W Van
- Thought of Becoming a Passenger Guard?
- Maunsell U-class Moves
- Horsted Keynes Carriage Shop Reopens!
- More Photos From The Museum Website
- On This Day, 12 April
- Volunteer Vacancies
The Bluebells are out - and what better way to view them than from our LNWR Observation Saloon.
Attached to our normal service trains on selected days (subject to availability) come for a ride on our railway and catch the bluebells along the lineside in bloom from our unique LNWR observation coach, No. 1503.
No pre-booking is required, come along and upgrade your ticket at the ticket office when you arrive at the railway!
You can book your advance travel tickets, at a discount, here.

The photo here, taken by Richard Salmon in July 1993, shows our S15 No. 847 approaching Horsted Keynes station with a train headed by Pullman Cars 'Fingall' and 'Bertha'. The latter Pullman is no longer at the Bluebell Railway. The photo has also been added to Bertha's web page.
4 April
- Photos and videos from today from John Sandys, including the photo on the right showing 80151 arriving at Horsted Keynes with the current vintage (B) carriage set, led by the three LC&DR carriages. The C&W Department's sentinel shunter is also seen working in the down sidings.
- Alice In Wonderland - This Weekend!
Join us on 6-7 April for a delightful and whimsical experience at the Bluebell Railway's Alice in Wonderland event.
From meeting and greeting Alice & The Mad Hatter (on SET A at intervals on this train between 10:30am Departure From Sheffield Park to 2:50 pm arrival back at Sheffield Park) and meeting the Bluebell Bunny and Tower Princess at Kingscote station (between 11 am and 3:10 pm at intervals at the station) there is something for everyone to enjoy. Marvel and enjoy these beloved characters and witness the magic come to life before your very eyes.
Our dedicated staff and volunteers will ensure a seamless experience, providing unrivalled service and an atmosphere reminiscent of Wonderland itself. Don't miss out on this extraordinary event; which is FREE when you book your travel tickets, and our Kids For A Quid travel offer is also available where children can travel for just £1 with any fare paying adult! (Up to Four Children per group on this offer.) Come along and lose yourself in the magical world of Alice in Wonderland at the Bluebell Railway.
Alice is not taking over the whole railway, so if you just want to come for an ordinary steam train ride, our trains are operating as normal to Timetable C.
- The Bluebell Railway Goods Division provides the "before and after" comparison below. The 1937-built LMS 3-plank wagon No. 474558, the Bluebell's very first ordinary goods vehicle which arrived in May 1965, came into the works last year for what was expected to be a quick intermediate overhaul. However, once the floor was removed, it was discovered that there was significant corrosion on the underframe, which in addition to other repairs has involved the complete replacement of one headstock and the welding on of a new top flange on one sole-bar. The top-planks all round have been replaced, and all the metalwork stripped back and treated to reduce future corrosion. The "after" photo shows it today, and the "before" (by Matt Lander) on 8 May 2023.

1 April
- 80151 sets off from Horsted Keynes with the 1.20pm departure today (Richard Salmon).
- Through the School Holidays...
A reminder that, daily until 14 April, we are running steam trains to our peak Timetable C, and you can also take advantage of our popular Kids For A Quid Travel Offer.
- Today's April Fool joke had an element of truth to it... the first news release, this morning, announced that BR standard tank No. 80100 is to run at the 2024 Bluebell Branch Line Gala. Then this afternoon the way this was to happen was revealed. As normal, click on the images to see them at full size.
You can find more details of our 10-12 May Branch Line Gala Weekend, which features four GWR locomotives alongside 80100/80151, 65, and 72 'Fenchurch' here.

31 March
- The Bluebell Railway is pleased to announce that 60007 'Sir Nigel Gresley' is to star at Giants of Steam 2024 - More details of the event will be released as they are available. This locomotive will be visiting us for the first time for our Giants of Steam Gala (11-13 October), and will also operate on special Bluebell Railway Golden Arrow Pullman dining services the following weekend (19 & 20 October).
This will by the first visit by 'Sir Nigel Gresley' to the Bluebell, although we have previously hosted 'Union Of South Africa' in 2018 and 'Bittern' in 2015.
This photo, by Hugh Llewelyn was taken at Barrow Hill, 4 April 2009 (Licenced under CC BY-SA 2.0).
The Bluebell Railway Museum at Sheffield Park Station unveiled a new exhibition yesterday on the often-neglected subject of the role of "Railway Women". The display describes how at every stage of railway development the role of women has been vital.
The exhibition will be available on display in the Museum, on the Museum Website, and on the interactive digital display in the Museum.
The exhibition was opened by Stephanie Inglesfield, the Town Mayor of Haywards Heath. (Photo thanks to Clive Emsley)
30 March
- Today the MG Car Club were blessed with decent weather for their display at Horsted Keynes. Some of the cars on display are seen here (Richard Salmon).
- Below are two photos taken today by Nick Gilliam. First, 'Wightwick Hall' is seen with the 3.40 service from Sheffield Park, passing Holywell. Secondly, 'Camelot' climbs Freshfield Bank with the 1.45 'Wealden-Rambler' Afternoon Tea train. This was one of the locomotive's first public services since some extensive maintenance work (including a valve and piston exam) over the winter.
29 March
- Our SE&CR O1 No. 65's visit to Swanage was very well received, and it performed well throughout their Victorian Weekend. Here we see 65 heading north out of Corfe Castle on the Sunday, after one of their sets of Mk.1 coaches had failed with a hot box and been replaced by the unusual sight of a DMU being used as hauled stock. (Photo thanks to Roger Carpenter)
- A short video of our SECR O1 No.65 in action on the Swanage Railway during the Swanage Railway's 'Victorian Weekend' Gala last weekend. Many thanks to Green Aspect Videos for the footage and Andrew P.M Wright for the photographs used.
- Daily through the School Holidays until 14 April we are running steam trains to Timetable C, and you can also take advantage of our popular Kids For A Quid Travel Offer.
This Easter weekend we expect to have locomotives 80151, 73082 'Camelot' and 6989 'Wightwick Hall' hauling our trains. We also have two free events for our visitors:
On Saturday we have the MG Car Club display at Horsted Keynes.
Right through Easter weekend, including Monday we also have the Mobile Farm at Kingscote Station with animals from South Brockwells Farm, providing a hands-on educational and tactile experience for children and adults of all ages, with an exciting array of animals for you to see and pet (for a small donation).
- John Sandys' gallery from a visit to Horsted Keynes this lunchtime.
- Update to the web page for "Terrier" No. 55 'Stepney' adding much more detail of the locomotive's operational history before preservation.
- Update to the web page for BR Mk.1 Corridor Second No.25769, which left the railway on the low loader used for shunting the Atlantic out of, and 488 and 96 into, Atlantic House.
- On Monday Jon Bowers organised a photo charter with our two LB&SCR Terriers, 72 'Fenchurch' (in steam), and 55 'Stepney', which was brought out of the Locomotive Shed for the day and posed statically. Below are two photos thanks to Nick Gilliam.
24 March
- Matt Wickham's photo from Friday shows our SECR O1-class No. 65 during its visit to the Swanage Railway, double heading with the LSWR T3 at Swanage's Victorian Weekend. Matt also has this video compilation from Friday.
- Neil Munro-Thomson provides this photo below of today's Golden Arrow Pullman Luncheon train, hauled by 80151, and featuring newly overhauled Pullman Car No. 54 on its first weekend of operation. Our Pullman dining trains are now open for booking right through to August.
His gallery of photos also shows the 09 shunter on a Diesel Footplate Taster at Horsted Keynes, 'Camelot' on the vintage set, 'Wightwick Hall' with the Mk.1 set and the updated and much improved Carriage Shop now open.
- Brian Lacey's photo below shows 73082 'Camelot' hauling the vintage set at West Hoathly today.
22 March

21 March
- After the winter's track renewal, we return to steam this weekend in style, with three locomotives (expected to be 80151, 73082 'Camelot' and 6989 'Wightwick Hall') hauling our trains, to Timetable C. In addition, children can meet Bluey & Bingo over the weekend at Sheffield Park - and you can also take advantage of our popular Kids For A Quid Travel Offer.
- Here we see 80151 freshly painted (by Heritage Painting) after its "purple patch". It's also had a valve and piston overhaul over the winter, nearly completed as seen here in James Cummins' photo from 27 February.
- The Carriage Shop at Horsted Keynes opens on Saturday having completed its move out of the old ex-Travelling College Mk.1 coach (which was in Platform 1) into the refitted GBL (Southern Railway luggage van) in the Dock next to Platform 5, where it now shares space with Matthew Cousins Rail Artists exhibition and sales.
- Our SECR O1-class No. 65 arrived at the Swanage Railway yesterday for their forthcoming 'Victorian Weekend', which starts tomorrow. (Video from TheSoutherner)
- Below we see the "Dukedog" as it sets off for a two year loan to be displayed in the new VoR museum at Aberyswyth on 26 February (James Cummins) and 178 loaded ready to go to Margate on 20 February (Phil Laycock)

- The three visiting GWR Locomotives have been announced for our Branch Line Gala Weekend - 10-12 May: No. 7812 'Erlestoke Manor' and two different varieties of Pannier tanks: 1369 from the South Devon Railway and 7714 from the Severn Valley, and with 6989 'Wightwick Hall' running too, this will be something of a GWR first for us! 80151, 65 and 72 'Fenchurch' will be in steam from the home fleet. Tickets are now on sale and the Timetables are now available.
The photos of 7812 and 7714 were taken at the Severn Valley Railway's Winter Gala on 7 January this year by Richard Salmon. The photo of 1369, taken at Buckfastleigh on 24 Septmeber 2021, is licensed from JHRailPhotography under CC by-sa 4.0.

- Issue 1 of the BRPS Internal Combustion & Electric Traction Policy is now available on the BRPS Members' Documents page, and is also here, as a pdf.
There have been a number of updates to the Infrastructure News page, with thanks to Bruce Healey. The 2023 News has been archived to a new page and there are now five entries already for 2024.
- James Cummins' photo here shows the Adams Radial Tank 488 as it entered Atlantic House on 6 February for assessment prior to its planned overhaul.
- John Harwood's slow motion video of 'Fenchurch' crossing the viaduct at Half Term.
- Collection of photos and videos by James Green from a visit on Saturday 17 February.
- Some photos from John Sandys showing 23 February's Footplate Taster sessions, and on a day of very mixed weather, 2 March for another Footplate Taster, once again with the O1 on duty.
- Update to the web page for Maunsell Brake Composite 6686, adding a photo by John Atkinson from 1978.
- Update to the web page for BR Mk.1 BG 81025, adding a photo by Tim Robbins from 1989 along with one showing the current repairs being carried out to put this carriage into service as a kitchen car on the Golden Arrow dining train.
- Update to the web page for Maunsell Brake Third 3724, adding details of the set formations in which it served.
- New web page giving access to an archive of our Press Releases.
- If you are interested in the closed section of our line, there is a large update to Derek Hayward's gallery for Barcombe Station (now 160 images). This follows a similar update for Newick and Chailey. Sections of the line all the way from Hamsey to Sheffield Park have also been revised and these can be accessed from the main index for the line. These include numerous contributions from third parties, individually credited, for which Derek is very grateful.
14 March
- Fundraising milestone passed!
We are very pleased to report that we have now raised £30,001.47 via the EasyFundraising portal for the Bluebell Railway Trust over the years we've been part of the scheme! [Correction, due to a change in the way EasyFundraising report the total raised, we actually passed this milestone a year ago, and the total we have received is now £31,248]
Visit EasyFundraising (you need to sign up to support the Bluebell Railway).
This is great way of supporting us at no cost to yourself. Through this portal you will find many on-line retailers, shops, hotels and other suppliers who will donate to us when you buy something through this link. Everything you buy from these retailers once you have registered to support us will benefit the Bluebell Railway.
Our thanks to everyone who participates in the scheme.
- Statement on the BRPS Members' Notices page from Roy Watts regarding the Chairmanship of the railway.
Two Press releases - the first announcing that our GWR Dukedog locomotive has gone on loan for two years to be displayed in the new museum at Aberyswyth, created by the Vale of Rheidol Railway from the old locomotive shed where 9017 was based in the 1950s.
The second announces that SE&CR P-class No. 178 has also left the Bluebell, bound for under-cover storage and (when it opens to the public) display at The One:One Collection, Margate. This follows the swap of its wheelsets and boiler with 323, and their subsequent repainting green to match the rest of the locomotive. 178, along with 2' 6" gauge Kerr Stuart 'Brazil' class locomotive 'Leader' from the Sittingbourne & Kemsley Light Railway (the two locomotives which worked together at Bowater's paper mill at Sittingbourne in Kent) will form a display in the One:One Museum's entrance.
Both locomotives remain in Bluebell ownership, and will return in due course. Plans for the overhaul of the Dukedog remain a medium-term priority in view of the large amount of work done on it at its last overhaul and since, and its generally good condition and usefulness.
12 March
The March 2024 edition of Bluebell Times features:
- 'Beachy Head' emerges for the first time
- While 'Normandy' and the Adams Radial Tank take their respective places in Atlantic House
- Latest progress on Q class No. 541
- Pullman Car No. 54 undergoes running-in trials
- A new museum exhibit devoted to railway women
- The Carriage Shop is preparing to open in its new location
6 March
The momentous news and photos here are taken from the Bluebell's Facebook release. The low loader was used for the manoeuvre since Atlantic House is at right angles to the tracks in the yard. The loco requires completion of painting and lining of the boiler, weighing, boiler test, commissioning, and running in, before a formal launch into service later this year.
You can find out more about the Atlantic Project here.

'Beachy Head' Emerges!
A historic day for everyone at The Bluebell Railway. New build LB&SCR H2 Atlantic No. 32424 'Beachy Head' was transported from its shed at Sheffield Park yesterday afternoon and was partnered with its tender for the very first time this morning.
This is an incredible achievement by the Atlantic House team and everyone involved with this fantastic project. The reality of seeing an LB&SCR Marsh Atlantic is very much reaching the final stages.
The locomotive has now been moved into the maintenance shed where the commissioning work will now commence to bring 'Beachy Head' into service.
Here are a couple of photos of both yesterday and today, showing 'Beachy Head' at Sheffield Park.

The Atlantic's place was taken by our two LSWR Adams locomotives which are now to be overhauled there, Radial Tank No. 488 (itself an Atlantic 4-4-2T) and No. 96 'Normandy'. The Bulleid Society have updated their News Page with a series of pictures showing Normandy's move into Atlantic House.
16 February
- David Chandler's photo shows SE&CR O1 No. 65 with Pullman Car 54 on an evening test run on Monday. Yesterday Car 54 entered the paintshop for a couple for days, to receive its final coat of varnish. This Pullman car will be running on our Golden Arrow Pullman dining trains from March. For the first time in many years this will enable every seat offered on these services to be in a 1920s Pullman carriage, and also for the first time, we can accommodate passengers requiring step-free or wheelchair access.
- John Sandys provides the first photo below, one of the photos he took yesterday, which include a nice selection of photos of Car 54 being shunted at Horsted Keynes. In addition he also has an album of photos taken on Monday.
- If you want a ride on the Bluebell in the near future, we are running this weekend and following track replacement work at the bottom of Freshfield Bank, we re-open on 23-24 March.
- On 23-24 March Bluey & Bingo will be at Sheffield Park.
The second photo below, courtesy of Leaky Finders, shows boiler work in progress on SR Maunsell Q-class No. 541. We have an update to the web page for the overhaul of No. 541.

12 February
11 February
- No. 72 'Fenchurch' with its lunchtime departure from Horsted Keynes today, hauling a vintage train consisting of the Observation Car, SE&CR 100-seater and a pair of LC&DR carriages.
- Below we see the first arrival of the day at Horsted Keynes, hauled by the SE&CR O1-class No. 65.
- In the Paint Shop at Horsted Keynes, our Battle of Britain Light Pacific No. 34059 'Sir Archibald Sinclair' is being painted by Ralph Timmins. Today several members of the Loco Department/Bulleid Society were working on it, helping to clean it.

- The final two photos show BR Standard Class 5 No, 73082 'Camelot' as one of its driving wheelsets is raised back into position on our wheeldrop on Thursday, as its winter maintenance turns to the re-assembly phase. We also see a photo from today of the Alf Brown Group's van 153, now in the care of the Thumper gang, with its new doors and rainstrips fitted. The nearest planks in undercoat are mostly new. Those at the end which are also going to be replaced are marked with chalk crosses.

10 February
- John Sandys was on hand to record the first day of train running this half-term, and provides this photo/video gallery from today, and the accompanying photo showing Nos. 72 and 65 together at Sheffield Park this morning.
- I have added some photos to illustrate yesterday's "catch-up" blog post, below.
9 February 2024
- Following completion of the first half of our winter maintenance (see reports in February's Bluebell Times) we are running steam trains every day this week (10-18 Feb), for half term, to this timetable. The locomotives intended to be used are LB&SCR Terrier No. 72 'Fenchurch' and SE&CR O1-class No. 65.
We have our Kids for a Quid Travel Offer every day.
We also have Ice Skating on offer at Sheffield Park station, as an additional attraction.
On Friday 16 February we also have There's A Tiger On The Train - meet the Author.
The February 2024 edition of Bluebell Times features:
- "When Gordon met Gordon" - our 4VEP goes to London Waterloo
- Mammoth winter works at Sheffield Park to relay track, repair the platforms and fit new footbridge steps
- The Maunsell Restaurant Car enters the Carriage & Wagon workshop
- Workshop updates on Sir Archibald Sinclair, Beachy Head and a brace of Southern Railway vans
- The Carriage Shop is poised to return - and provides another £2,000 towards two restoration projects
The January 2024 edition of Bluebell Times features:
- Bluebell Goods Division reaches five years of wagon restoration
- Ben Gray celebrates his 21st birthday - by becoming the Bluebell's youngest ever driver
- Major track relaying project starts at Sheffield Park
- Restoration updates on Q class No. 541, 9F 92240 - and Stroudley Brake 3rd No. 949 nears completion
- Positive feedback for the Education team from school visitors
- Remembering Jock McKay - a mentor to a generation of enginemen
- Apologies for the hiatus in updating this page - below is a "dump" of outstanding updates:
- Video by FrontLineSteam of Bluebell trains on 28 December, and from Martin Lawrence, showing a little of our mini-Gala on 1 January.
- Keith Duke's photos from 1 January
- A video of 2023 steam in the South of England including a lot of Bluebell action, from Chatter Hatter.
Chairman's Year-end Update 2023 (published 3 January 2024) and the January Update (published 31 January), are now available.
Update to news from the Atlantic Group who have nearly finished their recreation of No. 32424 'Beachy Head'.
The photos below, from Fred Bailey, illustrate a small part of the report, and show the new steam pipes being heated to relieve stresses, and the blower ring mounted on blast pipe.

- Bluebell video compilation from David Wadley, covering a variety of periods, including some great footage from 1990 at the end.
- This great video from Tim Dunn explains all about the events on Saturday 27 January, when Bluebell-owned 4VEP unit 3417 (in the care of SETG) was hauled into Waterloo station for a private event in honour of BRPS President Gordon Pettitt (after whom the VEP unit is named). Getting the VEP into a fit state to be certified to run into London, and be exhibited, is a major achievement by the SETG team.
The page outlining the work required to get the VEP onto the main line. has been updated - and outlines how there's still a lot to do!
Their fundraising is going well, please contribute to the appeal to get it back on the main line.
Donations may also be made online via the Bluebell Railway Trust, if you wish to add Gift Aid; choose "Other Funds" from the drop-down menu and put "VEP" in the message box.
- Update to the web page for D6570 (33052) 'Ashford' adding a photo by Tom Bowes showing that it was very much a local locomotive, at Dormans during electrification work on the East Grinstead line in June 1987.
- Two photos of 09018 (D4106), which Alan Michael Gay took in the Summer of 1987, have been added to the 09's web page.
- Following loan to the Mid Hants Railway (Watercress Line) in 2022, Mk.I BSK 35207 was then at the Epping Ongar Railway for the 2023 season. This coach is not owned by the Bluebell, but has now returned to us for use this coming year on the Wealden Rambler set.
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